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Questions tagged [lava]

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6 votes
3 answers

What would the ground be like if the sun is at ground level on an infinite plane?

The world is an infinite plane. There are geographical features here and there, but overall it's flat. The sun is at the center of the universe, its center aligned with the plane. This means half the ...
Mountain Man's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Getting a planet to be as volcanic as Io

Just to clarify, I am not looking for a magma ocean planet (I already have one in my system interior to this planet’s orbit, at 0.0197 AU from the star, which has a supercritical atmosphere and a ...
casualworldbuilder's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Two halfs planet possible [closed]

Imagine a planet, with two halves - one half of the crust & core rotating against the planetary rotation, remaining stable. The other half turns normaly similar to earth. Could such a planet ...
Pica's user avatar
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6 answers

What types of materials would be generated by a lava monster that has been cooled down rapidly?

I want to create a magma slime, which has a magical vulnerability to being cooled down and turns to rock easily (like when hit by a water or an ice spell). This rock can then be shattered to gather ...
Leticia's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How might planet size affect volcanic activity?

I'm working on a project involving the evolution of life on different hypothetical habitable planets. In imagining different atmospheres on planets of different masses, I'm wondering how a planet's ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Can my planet be gradually eroded by solar wind over 6 billion years?

The planet is a barren rocky dwarf planet which orbits at 0.05 AU from its star of 0.9 solar masses, at 6 billion years old. Because of this, it’s surface is melting and evaporating, forming a thin ...
Sean Holm's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Lava overgrown by plants

The problem: I want to have a volcanic island with an everlasting lava outflow completely overgrown by (jungle) plants. It therefore follows that plants should also grow above the lava. I know that ...
Anton Hinkel's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What kind of horseshoes work best on a molten lead track?

There is a horse race happening in Hell. Hell is very rocky and prone to earthquakes, so the best place for the racetrack is on a river of molten lead. This makes for a flat course with obvious ...
Daron's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to Detect Things Through Lava

I'm coming up with an alien species that can swim through magma. Assuming that all necessary body parts are somehow protected from/immune to the magma, what would be feasible senses for it to use to ...
Jarren_Takar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Lava consistency under the sea? [duplicate]

I'm curious. Is it possible for lava to maintain it's molten character on the sea floor for long periods of time? I'm talking about a river of lava on the sea bed. Obviously this is really stretching ...
Thunderhammer's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

The Best Materials for Heatproof Armor [duplicate]

In the Kingdom of Fire, those with the ability to bend the burning element to their will have the unique secondary ability of being able to withstand extremely high temperatures and are able to set ...
Crystal King's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

A Real-Life Lethal Lava Land [closed]

Imagine for a moment, a video game lava level exactly like BotW's Eldin Region, or the eighth world in New Super Mario Bros: Wii. You know, flowing lavafalls and rivers, lava spewing mountains akin to ...
Crystal King's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What would a video game lava level be like in real life?

So this is something I've recently started to think about lately and it's honestly a case of genuine curiosity more than anything else. Many fantasy/adventure-oriented video games usually feature a ...
Crystal King's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Lava projectiles

I have a civilization that lives near an active volcano. For battle, they use the lava to their advantage, and one of their projectile weapons is a small sphere with lava inside. When thrown, it ...
DanPar's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Anatomically Correct Strider [closed]

This is a submission for the Anatomically Correct Series To celebrate the upcoming Nether update for Minecraft, I've decided to ask, what an anatomically correct Strider would look like? Based on ...
icewar1908's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Could one create solid rock from dirt using fire?

I have this idea of a character capable of manipulating heat (more than just controlling fire, really controlling the heat of stuff around him). Let's now say that this character digs a tunnel. Would ...
Gaëtan's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Would the Flamebreaker Armor in “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” work?

The Flamebreaker Armor is a full plate armor present in the videogame The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which protects the wearer from heat. When fully upgraded, it makes the wearer fireproof ...
michael griffin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Floor is lava, need answer

Imagine a tsunami of lava has flash-flooded cities. Oddly enough there weren't eruptions or earthquakes, just a sea of molten rock covering every inch of road, street pavement, what have you. ...
user6760's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Permanent river of lava

Rivers of lava are a staple of fantasy. But in the real world, lava flows are usually very short-lived phenomenons caused by volcanic eruptions. Is there some plausible way on an otherwise earth-like ...
Philipp's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Walking across lava

What would it look like if a human (with the proper protection) walked across a lava stream? Assume that 'proper protection' means some way of insulating against the heat so that they don't get ...
subrunner's user avatar
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2 answers

Would an deep sea lava river be feasible?

I don't wanna reveal too much about my world, however, the basic idea is that there is a town of people who live deep underwater (they are biologically capable of doing underwater gas exchange and ...
John Lewis's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Feasibility of lava beings?

Could a creature be made entirely, or mostly of magma or lava? Could it sustainably live in or near a volcano for an extended period of time? Rocks around the outside are optional, and encouraged. If ...
Greenie E.'s user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Ice-World / Cryo-World Settlement (amorphous cryolava / cryomagma)

I was watching a program about the New Horizons space probe and was fascinated by the new revelations about cryolava/cryomagma, and the amorphous planes covering Pluto(98% nitrogen ice). I'm wondering ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Three of the Four Kinds of Volcanic Eruptions...Underwater

A volcanic eruption is measured in two constants--gas and viscosity. For clearance, low viscosity is like squirting water off a nozzle, whereas high viscosity is like squirting caramel off a nozzle, ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
  • 14.9k
6 votes
3 answers

Sea of Fire in Polar Regions

Would it be possible to have a cold and remote polar region if the oceans are made of fire? By that, I mean that in the place of water, there exists lava.
v1ct1m0's user avatar
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2 votes
7 answers

Lava behind a forcefield; How to solidify the lava in contact? [closed]

I have a volcano spewing a lavaflow over the countryside. I have a small valley area protected by an advanced forcefield. It is an extended version of a space going ship's forcefields. When lava ...
EveryBitHelps's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Can lava still be red hot liquid underwater?

I want a lake which contains a crater of active volcano at the bottom, which the volcano has a lava lake and the lava is still red hot in liquid state, just like lava lake above water on Earth. Is ...
Gstestso's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Could a geothermal plant work for several millennia

Is possible to have a geothermal plant (not necessary a very powerful one) to work for several millennia without the place where it is built over running out of heat? I found a page (don't remember ...
Ender Look's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What is the range of lava/magma viscosity on exoplanets; what conditions would have the least viscous lava lakes?

On planets of have different temperatures, conditions and chemical makeup of the lava/magma, what would be the least viscous lava around? (Relevant to an earlier question - What would an efficient ...
Fred the John's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

What can a lava-powered factory do? [closed]

Suppose we can withdraw lava underground and pump it into a factory, what will the factory do? eg: Produce bricks and other building materials Extracting minerals Generating electricity Cooking What ...
Gstestso's user avatar
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34 votes
6 answers

How would a city styled like Venice be built with lava instead of water?

Imagine a Venice like city, but instead of water, it had lava/magma flowing through it. Would this be possible? Materials? Society changes?
The Man's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Castle surrounded by lava

After watching first Shrek, I got interested in one detail: Can you build a castle which is surrounded by lava, using medieval technology? For scope of this question: Imagine ultimate wealthy king/...
Pavel Janicek's user avatar