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Questions tagged [landscaping]

To be used on questions that have to do with artificial altering of the land around a certain area.

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5 votes
4 answers

How to make a place windy

I am trying to build a world where there is different terrains and one of them is a extremely windy plain or valley (almost uninhibitedly) there is a couple plants and animals that have adapted (I don'...
The god of arch's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Where would mountains make sense on those land masses?

I created landmasses thanks to Azgaars Fantasy Map generator. It was not based on any consideration so far, like tectonic plates due to lack of expertise. It was done purely based on a personal ...
Cogadit's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

On an alien planet, what kind of geological phenomenon can create a crystal mountains range?

Context: In my speculative evolution project, I've created a biome where the snowy tops of mountains have been replaced with crystals. The crystal should come from inside the planet, just like lava.
Veknor's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Can snow dunes form naturally?

Suppose I have a very big area as big as Gobi desert and it is windy all years round, but it is covered in snow instead of sand since Earth is experiencing another ice age right now. I am not sure if ...
user6760's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Is relocating fertile topsoil possible/feasible?

In my world, there are two distinct regions close to each other: fertile and very densely populated infertile marshlands and very sparsely populated During the mid-1900s, the cities in the region #1 ...
Martin L's user avatar
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8 votes
10 answers

How can I justify that dunes keep drifting and cannot be stabilised?

I have the idea of a fantasy civilization based around shifting dunes. The idea is that the land is largely uninhabitable except for the coasts, but there are large dunes that function as habitable &...
Claus Appel's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What will Glacier Bay National Park look like in 2000 years?

I am working on a story that takes place roughly 2000 years after a worst-case-scenario climate apocalypse. It revolves around a society located in present-day Glacier Bay National Park on the Alaska/...
DemonLung's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What would a video game lava level be like in real life?

So this is something I've recently started to think about lately and it's honestly a case of genuine curiosity more than anything else. Many fantasy/adventure-oriented video games usually feature a ...
Crystal King's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Feasability of replacing roads with far inland canals [closed]

What problems am I going to have to address with regards to man-made continent wide/spanning rivers ? Ecological hazard, erosion, pollution ? CLARIFICATION : This is a completely fantastical setting, ...
Anonymousworldbuilding's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Can Humanity Expand to the Oceans?

Consider a large landmass such as Australia. Imagine if they hypothetically wanted to expand their borders, but they already used up all of their landmass, including the deserts. Could humanity find ...
overlord's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How would mountainous landscape look like after remodelling it with nuclear warheads?

As conclusion of this question it seems that under a dense atmosphere it would be a good idea to place the main city in mountains. Just there is the inconvenient issue that top of mountains lack flat ...
Shadow1024's user avatar
  • 10.1k
4 votes
8 answers

Underground condition preventing plant growth on a planet

As title, what condition could prevent plant growth from below a planet surface? I've considered considered removing all water from the planet, both underground and above the surface, but that doesn't ...
user57841's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to build cities on Argentine and Brazilian swamps?

I'm creating a developed country in South America with its development similar to that of Canada or Australia (little behind the US) with population around 160M in 1850, growing to 346M in 1925 and ...
Martin L's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What realistic data for a game based on management of polluting plants?

I am not a writer nor an artist but I am creating a video game and I am looking for a realistic imaginary world based on science. I am looking for realistic data to support the strategical framework ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Can a small island realistically have all these environments?

Would it be realistic for a (relatively) small island nation to have these features: A Forest A lake A snowy mountaintop A desert A bustling modern city How large would this island have to be in ...
Jayen09's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I design a realistic landscape? [closed]

Designing landscapes is difficult, because we often don't take into account the geological processes that formed them in the first place. You wouldn't have a ten-mile-high mountain on Earth, because ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
  • 10.4k
25 votes
7 answers

How much would it cost to recreate Doggerland as it existed before 16,000 BC?

To expand the territory of the EU, one can consider recreating Doggerland by reclaiming the lost land from the sea: Had our ancestors had more technology, they could have dealt with the sea level ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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12 votes
9 answers

She Can Move Mountains (Literally)

Imagine we're in a world where massive, outrageous amounts of energy are available at our fingertips. Perhaps one of those crazy cold fusion ideas panned out, or we eventually built ourselves a --...
user3652621's user avatar
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