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For questions about ice (the solid form of dihydrogen monoxide) in its many forms.

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3 votes
5 answers

Fully electric ice thrower

Flamethrower and Icethrowers are common weapons used in my story. I know how a Flamethrower works and I have already implemented the Flamethrower but I am having trouble thinking of how an "ice ...
Coolcats112's user avatar
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2 answers

How to prevent ice caps from forming on cold planets?

I am currently working on one of the planets in my system, called Opea. Opea is a roughly earthlike planet in the furthest edges of its star's habitable zone (receiving half the sunlight as Earth), ...
Dione Moolman's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Could dragons be cold-blooded?

One of my ideas is a dragon that breathes ice, through liquid CO2, stored in special glands and released through pressure, and cooling. It would gain this large amount of required CO2 from eating ...
Scout Paige's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What could someone do with Hydrokinesis (the ability to control water with your mind)? [closed]

Someone has the ability to manipulate and shape water from any source. They cannot create water from nothing, but they can control it at a molecular level. For example, they can change the properties ...
Elaura Andrist's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to melt icebergs for water at below the cost of desalination with 1960s/1970s technology?

(i'm going to use dollars for cost because i don't really want to figure out currency conversions for the in world currencies) In this world people need water, a lot of water. But in areas that don't ...
OT-64 SKOT's user avatar
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1 answer

What would it take for the Bering Strait to freeze (and form a land bridge)?

What would it take for the Bering Strait to freeze (and form a land bridge)? With the strait being composed of salt water, it would take a longer time at colder temperatures for ice to form. Still, ...
Mathematician's user avatar
13 votes
10 answers

Would a freeze ray be effective against modern military vehicles?

Similar to my previous thread. In my setting, wizards from a pre-industrial fantasy world come to real life. One of these wizards is a cryomancer recruited by the US military and tries out his talents ...
Rhymehouse's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Ways to accidentally ingest a cryoprotectant [closed]

So, continuing along the basic storyline of this last question: Is it possible for a human to be cryonically preserved in vacuum? What I took away from the answer (note singular) and comments there (...
user98816's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

How much of Mars is covered if 10 quadrillion tonnes of water fall on it?

The setting: In trying to terraform Mars quickly, I am imagining that Phobos, (the bigger of its two moons) holds ten-quadrillion tonnes of water ice beneath its stony regolith. I am further supposing ...
user98816's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Should my superhabitable planet have ice caps?

I'm designing an Earth-like planet and I'm concerned about whether or not it would have ice caps. Originally, I assumed it would be too warm, with a climate similar to Earth's during the Paleocene-...
Thoth's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

sources of water for martian terraformers

The terraforming of Mars, assuming that the hurdle of establishing a magnetic field has already been jumped, now meets another problem: water. The planet has a pair of ice caps, but between them they ...
user98816's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Would salt mines, lakes or flats be reasonably found in high, snowy elevations?

I have multiple regions in my fantasy kingdom one of which is largely high elevation tundra, ice fields and snow covered mountains (the ice fields and tundra are not in the same area of the region). I ...
AJ Wilder's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can a cold blooded animal survive in an arctic environment?

I have found numerous questions on how cold blooded humanoids or at least an intelligent species could survive the cold on this site, but this is not the question I am asking. I want to know ...
Murinus's user avatar
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2 answers

How large would a chunk of ice have to be to do lasting harm if it were 'thrown' at Earth?

I'm working on a story involving life on Europa being upturned dramatically by contact from a probe sent from Earth. I know the chances of life, let alone intelligent life, are pretty slim on Europa, ...
Brooke's user avatar
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3 answers

Could a large chunk of Europa's ice crust be 'thrown' at Earth?

I'm working on a story involving life on Europa being upturned dramatically by contact from a probe sent from Earth. Found this community while researching, and have found a lot of great ideas. I know ...
Brooke's user avatar
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3 answers

Alcubierre drive - related blueshifted radiation and radioactive poisoning

Transportation using the Alcubierre drive is associated with blueshifted radiation at the point of arrival. Let's imagine that we're dealing with non-FTL bubbles. How effective would be arrival ...
Nervous Cat's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Will a dragon jumping out of a frozen lake make all people standing on the ice fall into the lake?

To shorten the explanation, physics-wise I'm writing scene that is similar to the one you could see in Skyrim Dawnguard; a dragon jumps out of frozen lake shattering the ice. In the game he creates ...
moihalis's user avatar
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5 answers

Can snow dunes form naturally?

Suppose I have a very big area as big as Gobi desert and it is windy all years round, but it is covered in snow instead of sand since Earth is experiencing another ice age right now. I am not sure if ...
user6760's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Could you freeze a nuclear explosion [closed]

The character who I'm talking about is faced with certain death and has to freeze a nuclear exposition that's coming right at him, would this work, and how would it. This character has ice-based ...
B. Buchner's user avatar
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2 answers

Would a locomotive on ice (like in The Polar Express) move?

In the Polar Express film, there is a scene where the Polar Express runs off the tracks onto a frozen-over lake, which supports it and doesn't collapse even after the locomotive tilting and hitting ...
bigyihsuan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What would be the potency of my dragon's breath?

It is very common to see dragons breathing fire in various works such as Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Hobbit and the House of the Dragon to come. I've created several posts here about fire dragons, ...
Wizard King's user avatar
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6 answers

Is ice armor better than nothing in medieval battle or is it just weighing you down?

"Speed is the essence of war" - Sun Tzu, MBA. However, this war has dragged on for a long time and resources are getting scarce; new ice mages are issued a loin cloth while flame mages get ...
user6760's user avatar
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3 answers

Ice Dragon Breath

I was thinking about creating an ice dragon for my world, but I didn't want the dragon to be magical or technological but biologically correct, so I went looking for cryogenic substances and found ...
Wizard King's user avatar
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2 answers

How quickly will the oceans freeze if Earth becomes a rogue planet?

Assume Earth has been wrenched out of the Sun's orbit and has become a rogue planet (for the purposes of this question, assume that it happens near instantaneously, i.e. say the Sun just vanishes). ...
ak7's user avatar
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Natural cryogenic substance

I'm researching a way a dragon could expel a substance that freezes things it comes in contact with. I've seen two posts here on the WBSE with this theme, but both said about the animal evolving to ...
Wizard King's user avatar
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19 votes
9 answers

Does ice have to be on both poles?

If an Earth-like planet has ice, does the ice have to be on both poles? For example, could a planet have ice on its south pole but not on the north pole, year-round?
Dust how's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

What would happen if a huge solid ball (temperature zero kelvin) of helium appeared suddenly in a deep sea?

I'm writing a story about an icy alien culture which applies ultracold helium bombs that they can make appear at any place. The battle between good and evil translates in hot and cold. Though of ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Cooling Question: How can I integrate a low tech freezing system into my world?

I'm trying to design a culture that has access to cooling as a primary source of food preservation. This culture is set in the desert. They will have access to a magical stone that has the ability to ...
Thomas F. Webber's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

An Anvil made of never melting ice

Lets assume that the ice anvil is as resistant to physical blows much like a normal anvil and its never melting(will not explode as well). It will always maintain its negative temperature enough to ...
mico villena's user avatar
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1 answer

What would the lakes of a planet with larger glaciers look like?

** This question is making the assumption that if a planet with a similar size and atmosphere of Earth is colder and has longer nights, it will have larger and more numerous glaciers. If this is not ...
Mandelbrot's user avatar
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3 answers

Making ice in the tropics

My characters live on a tropical island on another planet. Although civilized, by their standards, they have not been through an iron age or bronze age since the metals oxidize when exposed to their ...
vee's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

How do I naturally keep potable, fresh water from freezing?

My planet is always very cold (I don't have an exaxt number). So cold, that most fresh water would freeze. How do I keep this from happening? Humans can't bring it about, and humans also have to be ...
Username reset's user avatar
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4 answers

What are the architectural/design/etc implications of earthquakes on a snowball planet?

Thick, kilometer-wide ice sheets cover the vast majority of this planet. Snow is comparatively limited, because there are limited places where anything actually melts and re-enters the water cycle. ...
Laura's user avatar
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Freezing the water in blood

Ice magic lowers the temperature of things. I was thinking of freezing the water in blood (specifically blood plasma) to kill. How would this work? Also, can it be used on non-mammals, like sea ...
Ash's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Seeing air trapped under ice while underwater [closed]

A scene am writing takes place in Summer in the Artic. The character is swimming underwater, under the ice (imagine a small iceberg). Above her a large bubble of air has formed. Never mind what formed ...
Duncan Drake's user avatar
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2 answers

What Would the Arctic Ice Caps Look Like in This Current Map?

This is a map of my alternate Earth with a focus on ocean currents, courtesy of Mikael Asikainen: As you can see here, Greenland looks smooshed, but that is because it is arranged to the extent that ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Physics Question: Time needed to melt vast blocks of ice in the desert? [closed]

Please consider a physics question that I am asking here because I have no ability to calculate the answer myself. Given a large cubical mass of water ice is deposited on a desert location on Earth, ...
Cheerful-Trader's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

What would a medieval village in an arctic area look like?

The setting is a fictitious continent set in a medieval world (1200-1400 A.D.). It resembles the shape and size of Greenland. The land is covered with glaciers, ruled by months of darkness in the ...
Ebi's user avatar
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2 answers

Temperature and oxygen levels 1 mile below Antarctica's surface [closed]

If people were able to travel to a cave 1 mile below the surface in Antarctica, how long would it take before they suffocated (both if there was a hole at the surface and if that hole were to become ...
Sci-fi editor's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What would happen to a block of warm ice (made out of pure pressure) once the pressure is gone? [closed]

Imaginary situation where you could exert 10GPA worth of pressure on a floating cubic meter chunk of water. According to this graph, it'd turn into ice even if it's still around the room's temperature(...
Amit's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Possibility of a "hot Mars"

Premise/question Correct me if I'm wrong, or if humans have terraformed the planet by the time you're reading this, but Mars is mostly desert-like. It has large ice caps which contain most of its ...
user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Floating Ice Homes

On an Earth fully covered in water, are floating homes made of ice a practical idea (in arctic latitudes). Ignoring how these houses could be made, would the ice provide enough bouyancy to keep the "...
Thalassan's user avatar
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8 votes
8 answers

Ice Construct Weapons

The Ice Mages of a world I'm crafting can create constructs made from ice. Now, a master Ice Mage might be able to do fun things with his construct like project them in showers of ice shards, but ...
Halfthawed's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to safely construct deep underground harbors on a Snowball Earth?

A radical shift in the Earth's orbit has made the Earth much colder, with all the oceans freezing over, and the atmosphere liquifying and falling as rain. Humans live deep underground in areas of high ...
ak7's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Requirements for melting snow from orbit using EM radiation

My (your) goal is to melt several tons of snow and ice in a small area using electromagnetic radiation beamed down from a spacecraft in orbit. The atmosphere that's in the way is vaguely Earth-like ...
ApproachingDarknessFish's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Would an underground civilization be feasible on a frozen, sunless Earth? [closed]

If our Sun was teleported away by aliens, would it be possible for people to survive? I'm assuming that humans had prior warning of this ice age (the aliens warned us first) and could drill ...
The Cosmic Truth's user avatar
0 votes
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Can ice magic freeze blood?

In my story, one of my main characters has ice powers. She can turn water into ice, she can conjure ice (sucking moisture out of air and freezing it). She can also drop someone's body temperature, as ...
helena's user avatar
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3 answers

Ice Dome Greenhouse

I have an icy planet with temperatures that average about -100 degrees Fahrenheit (-73,3 °C). The planet also has thousands if not millions of domes scattered across its completely icy surface heated ...
Thalassan's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Could the Missouri River be running while Lake Michigan was frozen several meters deep?

During an ice age, would it be possible for a great lake to be frozen while a relatively nearby river was still running? To help illustrate my point: Would it be possible for Lake Michigan (or parts ...
McMurphy's user avatar
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5 answers

Living ice magic - what can I do with it?

I, the Grand Sorcerer Alazam of the Guild of Arcanists, have invented a remarkable new spell! Using unique magical artifacts, I can create what I call 'living ice' - chunks of ice that grow and ...
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