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Questions tagged [sea]

For questions specifically about a sea, which means an area of water within an ocean.

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How big can a sea turtle get? [duplicate]

So, I'm working on a bestiary and I want to fill the oceans of my world with big greatures, but keeping plausibility by respecting the square cube law, the ecology niches the beasts might occupy, etc. ...
George Watson's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Weather on a Flat, Infinite Sea

Imagine a vast sea, stretching out to encompass the horizon much like a real sea. But unlike such a sea, this sea sits upon a flat plain, and stretches out over 100 million miles in each direction(...
Danvad's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

What is the feasibility an inland sea situated inside a mountain range be?

I am currently creating a map. It has two landlocked inland seas. However, I want to make them interesting. I am still learning, so please bear with me regarding my formatting. The approximate height ...
Rory 02's user avatar
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What will be temperature in inland depression deeper than 2 km below sea level (48° southern latitude) and how will temperature gradient work there?

My another question related to already introduced planet Artemis is related to temperature gradient. Whether it will work also in depression deep under sea level and if yes what could be increase of ...
GiuseppeZee's user avatar
3 votes
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What life would thrive on land which is frequently -- but not always -- doused with seawater?

Take a large piece of normally-dry land and flood it twice a day with seawater. We expect to see seaweed, crabs, and the like set up an ecosystem. The flooding is tens of metres deep, and turbulent, ...
spraff's user avatar
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-3 votes
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How would a supernatural boiling sea in the Southern Ocean affect Earth's climate? [closed]

How would a boiling sea in the southern ocean near Antarctica affect Earth's climate? This boiling sea was caused by supernatural forces providing the energy to boil the water while also keeping it ...
TheGoldenBoy2188 The Coolest G's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Solutions for an Aquatic Race to Harvest the Sugar Under Sea Grass Meadows

So it turns out that there’s billions of Coca Colas’ worth of sugar released into the rhizosphere beneath sea grasses. I have a race of ...
Thunderhammer's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What would happen if we expanded the Arctic ice cap?

Having found a setting for my story, I am thinking of a country which encompasses a giant New Zealand, basically a partially surfaced Zealandia, and having studied a little science, I have noticed ...
Bangerblade's user avatar
3 votes
8 answers

Can a floating launch platform be built and deployed quickly?

In my story, the supervillain loads ICBM missiles onto a ship and fires them from sea. He can't use a naval ship with missile launchers; that'll arouse suspicion. He uses a civilian cargo ship. Could ...
wokopa's user avatar
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Would water-based rain float on top of large sea of liquid mercury?

I was thinking about a setting where two large landmasses are separated by a sea of mercury. Obviously, iron boats would float. In fact, the ships would have to be extremely heavy. What would happen ...
Matthew Brown aka Lord Matt's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Does atmospheric pressure relate to altitude or sea level, what would happen if sea level rose, but the land was not submerged?

Preface: I am new to the forum so apologies if everything is not in the exact required format. I know that the higher above sea level you go the atmospheric pressure decreases and the inverse is true ...
Anubia-Bastet's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Why would hydrogen bubble up from the sea floor?

I am thinking of a world where bubbles of hydrogen emerge from the seafloor, and are trapped by people for use as fuel. But what is the source of the hydrogen? In other words, what geological or maybe ...
wokopa's user avatar
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Depth of seas on a Banks Orbital

If one is building a Banks Orbital or other megastructure with a very large habitable surface area, it is not necessarily given that much of the area would consist of seas, but there are several ...
rwallace's user avatar
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Lava consistency under the sea? [duplicate]

I'm curious. Is it possible for lava to maintain it's molten character on the sea floor for long periods of time? I'm talking about a river of lava on the sea bed. Obviously this is really stretching ...
Thunderhammer's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Sailing Ships For The Vārẽn Sea

PROJEKT ' ABYDOS ' The (as of yet pretty ill-defined) setting of one of my worldbuilding projects is the Vārẽn Sea (working title). It's a large gulf that opens into waters with a large amount of ...
INPU's user avatar
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Maxed out charisma

The Feridians, marine fauna, kings of the ocean and for centuries unmatched with no predators and capable of eating and surviving on any source of food, even plankton. This thing evolved perfectly to ...
user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Can I eliminate a dry continental high pressure spot inland by adding a huge body of water in the middle of it?

Can I eliminate a dry continental high pressure spot inland by adding a huge body of water in the middle of it? Like this sample picture: The red arrows around the continent are warm ocean currents ...
Inquirer's user avatar
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What makes for a good/bad port city?

What are the factors that would determine whether a city on the coast will become a bustling metropolis or whether it will always remain a modest fisher's village?
Ivan Dimitrov's user avatar
5 votes
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How would a corrosive sea not erode the foundations for islands?

My world consists of a large number of islands laid out in a hexagonal pattern, each one circular and large enough to support a small community. At the center of each island an obelisk sticks out of ...
Grollo's user avatar
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Can solar energy be used to desalinate seawater in Australia? [closed]

An Australian company is going to send solar energy 1, 2 to Singapore and likely to Indonesia. Could or shall Lake Eyre basin be flooded with desalinated seawater using the solar energy harvested at ...
Kav's user avatar
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Is there a way to cross my volcanic ocean?

In my world there is an ocean that separates the two main continents. The problem is that I think it's impossible to navigate these waters as there are active volcanoes on the bottom of the ocean that ...
saltyrex__'s user avatar
10 votes
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If I enter a large island into the North Sea, how would that impact local climate, weather & tides?

For the purpose of a story, I'm having an additional island in the North Sea. The island is where the Doggerbank used to be, but a bit larger. The highest "mountaintops" are around 1000m, ...
BeeMKay's user avatar
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Different Environment of Amoebic Sea

I want to work with my own amoebic sea like on Darwin iv in the mockumentary Alien Planet. But I wonder if it would be the same throughout. Would the parts near the poles be frozen? Would shallow ...
Joe Smith's user avatar
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29 votes
8 answers

How can the Sea of Japan be drained?

If Japan had a population boom and had to expand their land area, on a very large scale, by draining the Sea of Japan, what is the most effective way of doing so in the shortest amount of time?
Celine Junita's user avatar
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What is the environment after a sea is dried [closed]

In a world where a portal has sucked the water from a small sea, what may the environment be like 30 years on from this event; only a salt water lake remains, infested by minions of chaos at the ...
Andrew Richmond's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Anatomically Correct Cthulhu [closed]

I am interested on writing an anatomically correct Cthulhu, made by HP Lovecraft. Some information we know about him: Can make people go insane just by the sight of him. "Sleeps" for ...
Tasty SmooVee's user avatar
12 votes
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Passive distancekeeping for sea platforms

There's this archipelago of artificial floating islands. These vary in size from less than 10 meters to about 100 meters in diameter. Is there a passive way to keep them close to each others without ...
SilverCookies's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What might make one specific area of a sea calmer than the rest?

This may very well be an easily answered question, in which case I apologize for the lack of challenge, but in all honesty I’m not sure where to start in figuring this out. I have a large sea. It sits ...
MooNieu's user avatar
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Temperatures and water level during very long eclipse

If we have extreme and short winter caused by 3-day-eclipse, what would be temperatures like? Conditions: Planet is like earth, atmosphere, oceans, ice caps and so, but there is no regular seasons, ...
miki's user avatar
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How many ships would a late medieval/early modern port see in a year? [closed]

I'm working on a story that involves a character searching through logbooks from a seaport in a mid-sized, bustling city (think a largish city in late medieval/early modern Europe, pre-industrial ...
Jo777's user avatar
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Could a marine plant have a salt-filtration system for when plants suck up the sea-water (providing a source of fresh water?)?

In a world I want to make, sailors would travel at sea for many years, perhaps up to ten, on sail boats. Obviously, they'd normally be stricken by scurvy and such, but I was thinking of some kind of "...
Topsy-Scurvy's user avatar
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Can a river or something flow between two or more planets or celestial bodies in close proximity? [duplicate]

By some silver of possibility, conider that there are planets that are not of the same size but significantly large that it couln't be called a satellite. They are extremely close near the with same ...
umsee's user avatar
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8 answers

Massive naval cannons on age of sail ships?

So in a related question, I asked about cannons vs ships made of treated (magically) hardened, and while answers weren't as helpful as I hoped, comments provided a direction in which I focused my ...
Failus Maximus's user avatar
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How could pirates reasonably transport dinosaurs in captivity, some of them enormous, across oceans?

In my novel, there is money to made in the capturing and selling of 'exotic' animals from a distant, jungle-covered continent, though for various reasons (notably that it is illegal under Roman rule) ...
Mahab's user avatar
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Elevated island

Well, so you have sailed to explore the seas, and you seem to be lucky! You have found an island. It's massive, 32 000 km^2. You really can't imagine what riches such a massive island could contain. ...
Failus Maximus's user avatar
17 votes
7 answers

Is It Possible to Have Different Sea Levels, Eventually Causing New Landforms to Appear?

I'm trying to explain a large continent-sized archipelago that doesn't run in any particular direction. As such, plate tectonics cannot possibly explain its existence. This is an Earth-like planet. ...
overlord's user avatar
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13 votes
10 answers

Planet with a surface area that’s 90% water or more?

I’m thinking that there will be one small continent, about half the size of Australia or a bit larger. The single, massive ocean is inhabited by an aquatic humanoid species (yes, think mer-people) ...
MooNieu's user avatar
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1 answer

Ecological implications of osmotic portals

Suppose some magical civilization on Earth-like planet can create portals. Any given portal entrances are spherical surfaces of the same radius. Any particle enters one sphere and exits another in the ...
Мікалас Кaрыбутоў's user avatar
9 votes
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Archipelago worlds build up atmospheric oxygen faster?

I've read super-earths might become archipelago planets. Picture shallow seas, under a thick atmosphere that alternates between muggy and clammy. Because a bigger share of the surface would be ...
aadv's user avatar
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How would a supernaturally heated caldera bay affect the local climate?

A supernatural geological event occurred and created a huge caldera-like formation on the coast of a region similar to Scotland. Over time the caldera filled with water and became a bay surrounded by ...
SquidsEye's user avatar
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Largest sailing vessel manned by 2 people [closed]

I am currently running a D&D campaign and am entering an area that doesn't have many set rules and I'd like a reality check. I want to give them a vessel around the size of the ones from Pirates ...
Michael Ziluck's user avatar
-1 votes
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World underwater: technical viability

I want to put a story in place where a country lived underwater, and I am wondering of its viability. Here is the world description: It is a square of 100 km*100 km on the ocean with the weather and ...
totalMongot's user avatar
3 votes
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How much land disappearing would it take to drop the sea level by 10 meters (30ft)?

THINK ATLANTIS There's an island. Maybe it is a continent, maybe not. I am not sure and that is why I need your help. If the size of my world is equal to Earth's, what landmass size would it take ...
LRC's user avatar
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What would the climate/environments be like on a planet covered in small crater lakes and seas? [closed]

Imagine an Earth-like planet with no major oceans, all the water has collected into circular craters from impacts that are no longer occurring. Let's say the planet is covered evenly with 50% water ...
lonewookie's user avatar
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Growing seaweeds on lakes and seas in tundra-like biome

Ok so I was thinking about a Viking-like civilization living in a tundra biome. So, other than raiding villages southwards or hunting wild beasts in the forest, could they cultivate seaweed for ...
JustMika's user avatar
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What armor for my giant slug species to do battle at sea?

Set in the medieval period around 1400AD, the atlantean set flipper on the land of the giant slug and destroyed many acres of crops, this provocative action angered the giant slugs. These giant slugs ...
user6760's user avatar
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What would a sea made of Iodine look like? [closed]

If it was possible, what would a sea made of liquid state Iodine look like? How would it smell? From my research, I've seen people saying its liquid state is somewhat "invisible" since it generates a ...
Renan's user avatar
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Repercussions of floating nuclear power station going into meltdown?

Set in an alternate 2010s/2020s, floating nuclear power station are now common as they can provide power to any city it is docked at (think along the lines of this real world example. or this ...
Boolean's user avatar
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6 votes
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Replace sea salt with sugar, what happens? [closed]

A malefic wizard has announced to the world that tomorrow he will turn all diluted sea salt into sugar. What will the environmental effects be?
user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

If the Black Sea was disconnected from the Mediterranean, how long would it take to become freshwater?

The Black Sea is a brackish body of water, that used to be separate from the Mediterranean. Further back, it was likely part of the Mediterranean before the last ice age. How long would it, or for a ...
GoingFTL's user avatar
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