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10 votes
2 answers

Weather on a Flat, Infinite Sea

Imagine a vast sea, stretching out to encompass the horizon much like a real sea. But unlike such a sea, this sea sits upon a flat plain, and stretches out over 100 million miles in each direction(...
Danvad's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Could an electrokinetic superhero use lightning to fly

I have a character in my story with the ability to control and generate electricity . I am trying to make this story somewhat realistic so their ability works by sending a high voltage high current ...
Coolcats112's user avatar
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3 answers

How could a magic user increase air pressure for jet blast like effects

In my magic system characters possess the ability to control air and wind. They can usually expel 300 mph winds from their body however these winds lack force over distance. I should clarify that the ...
Coolcats112's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Maximizing the wind speed of an ionic thruster in atmosphere [closed]

In real life ion thrusters in atmosphere have extremely low thrust with thrusts of 290 millinewtons. This is detrimental to real life ion drives in atmosphere. This problem got me thinking about how ...
Coolcats112's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Wind needed to deflect a bullet

In a world with magic, bullets pose a serious threat to magic users. I had an idea for a spell that would use wind to stop/deflect/slow a bullet to make it harmless and thus have magic be more ...
Coolcats112's user avatar
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6 votes
13 answers

Fastest way to do damage/kill with wind

Wind powers in fiction are often extremely powerful with the ability to kill or even level objects with a single attack. In real life wind is typically weaker than the wind in fiction and unless the ...
Coolcats112's user avatar
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1 answer

Ion wind for the ability to fly

Flight is one of the most commonly seen abilities in fiction with flight even being one of the abilities that people primarily say when asked, “If you could have any power what would it be.” Due to ...
Coolcats112's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Can I have a planet with 150 kph winds across the entire surface?

Is it possible for the average wind speed to be high enough that even the "calm" areas have 150 kph winds, while still maintaining an atmosphere and breathable air? I'm not talking about ...
Sam Moon's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How small can you make a planet or moon and still have dust devils on its surface?

I want a moon for one of my planets to be larger than the Moon, enough to have an appreciable atmosphere, but not quite so massive as Mars. I'd like it to be that if you were to land on it, the thin ...
Axion's user avatar
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0 answers

Wind patterns on a tidally locked planets contradict my logic (looking for correction)

My take on the wind patterns on a tidally locked planet (TDL) does not lead to the information given in papers and videos. Please tell me where I went wrong. My take: On a TLP, the sub-solar point is ...
Alon's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can wind blow floating objects in predictable cyclical routes?

I'm imagining a world where magic lets massive skyscraper-sized crystals hover in the air. They're not tethered in any way - the wind is free to blow them around. I'm imagining that having specific ...
Jozomby's user avatar
  • 13
4 votes
1 answer

Would the atmospheric circulation experienced on my world's high platforms seem to be reversed?

In this world, that rotates in the same direction and at the same rate as Earth, where the land platforms that cover around 10-20% of the world's surface is (magically) suspended at the 1 ATM level, ...
Monty Wild's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

What geographic features could cause a stable pocket of unmoving air?

As title. What geographic features could cause a stable pocket of unmoving air? I'm envisioning some kind of shrine, sacred place, or untouched grotto, which due to terrain features or certain aspects ...
EdgedPixie's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Saturnian Cloud Cities Pt. 3- Wind Turbine Problems

This is my third question in the series "Saturnian Cloud Cities", the previous question is "Ice Harvester Planes" The Saturnian cloud city consists of a giant Titanium-Graphene ...
Arcturus's user avatar
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5 answers

Can my planet carry heat effectively from one side to another?

I'm designing an Earth-like planet orbiting around a K5V star in the habitable zone (the planet is at a distance of 0.41 AU). The star has a mass of 0.70 M and a surface temperature of 4,526 Kelvin. ...
3 votes
2 answers

what would the wind patterns on a world that has a constant "midnight sun" [duplicate]

I created a world that's axial tilt is on a constant 45 degree angle in the northern hemisphere it would look something like this. The problem is I can't figure out how the wind currents would work. ...
coolcom300's user avatar
3 votes
9 answers

Harvesting wind energy for vehicles

Theoretically, what would the possibilities/drawbacks be of harvesting wind energy created by the momentum of the vehicle to charge that vehicle's batteries? Imagine that the vehicle had a dual power ...
server_unknown's user avatar
0 votes
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Design of a piezoelectric tree to harness the wind? [duplicate]

I want the flora of my world to harness their energy from the wind. I ran across this design on DeviantArt that is very similar to my idea. Credit: jocarra How can this design be improved upon to ...
Anubia-Bastet's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

When and how do winds and currents form?

I'm trying to design a map for my new planet, but I'm realising I know very little of how planets come to be the way they are, especially when it comes to currents and climates. To make things simple ...
Mr_Bober's user avatar
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Weather in a tidally locked planet's crepuscular zone

I'm currently designing a world for a project I am working on. It's supposed to be a grounded and comparatively realistic setting. The setting is a tidally locked planet in its star's habitable zone, ...
Yxylion's user avatar
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4 answers

Would a planet with stronger winds create more interesting landforms through weathering?

If I design a planet with stronger winds (maybe on average 40 mph, rather than the 7 mph average winds we have here), would interesting land formations be more common due to increased wind erosion, or ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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2 answers

How fast would winds be on a terrestrial planet with a 12 hour day?

I'm designing a high gravity (1.38g) world with a fast rotation rate (12 hours). I think the circulation cells would be stronger with a faster rotation rate, but I'm trying to figure out what a ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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3 answers

Could a continent walled with mountains be a tropical desert?

Can a triangular continent (sharp part oriented south) the size of Australia and located exactly at the equator be entirely desert if it is surrounded by two mountain ranges (comparable to the ...
Bowman's user avatar
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2 answers

Is my map of prevailing winds on a binary planet realistic?

My binary planet consists of a Venus sized earth-like planet, tidally locked to a mars sized “super mercury”, with their centers separated by about 7 Venus radii. I know the coriolis effect would ...
Sean Holm's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

How can I make an earthlike planet windier?

Imagine a planet like earth, but windier. Not pick-up-a-house-and-drop-it-on-a-witch windy; let's say just give-trees-a-hard-time windy. I'd like "high winds" (defined by the United States ...
RLoopy's user avatar
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3 answers

Evolution of flying animals on a windy planet

I'm thinking about the evolution of flight on a tidally locked planet where winds normally are 70 km/h (45 km/h) and can easily reach 120 km/h (75 mph). I've recently asked about clothes humans wear ...
MoholyNagy's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

If a dragon could fly without magical assistance, how much force could a dragon exert in directed air attacks using the force of its wings?

I plan to have dragons in my fantasy setting and wanted to figure out just how much force their wings would need to generate in order for them to fly. Rules for dragons in this setting: Dragons, and ...
Arvex's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can a mechanical clock be powered by wind in a reliable, constant way?

Picking up the context This is a follow-up question to the technologically accurate watermill clock, available here. In this case, we're not using water to make clocks, but wind! Wind will be the ...
Tortliena - inactive's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Wind on a Terraformed Titan?

My story is set on a future fully-terraformed Titan that's covered by a global ocean, heated to a comfortable temperature, and given an artificial atmosphere that mimics earth's. With that said, I've ...
StarbuckM's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why does the ITCZ "cling to" landmasses?

Edit: ITCZ: As pointed out in comments. I'm trying to figure out where exactly the ITCZ in my world will go (at least during its July-...
whatamidoing's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Migration of seeds between continents

In my story, life is disappearing from every continent of the world, from small animals to great sequoia trees, except for bacteria, of course, and marine life. except for one continent: Antarctica. ...
Bowman's user avatar
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26 votes
12 answers

Can a giant mountain be used as a wind shield?

In my story, a whole scientific mission will land on a desert planet whose temperature in the day reaches sixty degrees Celsius, they will land near the North Pole, specifically next to a Great ...
Bowman's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How much weight can a human wear without tipping over?

Let's say that there's a group of humans walking across a plain. Incredibly strong winds blow across this plain at predictable intervals on an hourly basis. For one hour, the wind magically blows in ...
KEY_ABRADE's user avatar
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How would huge chunks of floating land soaring the skies really fast affect my world?

My world is composed of a surface and three distinct layers of floating islands sorted by altitude, lets call them Lower, Mid and Upper for convenience. Lower and Upper are composed by medium sized ...
El Nitromante's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Wind strength in a massive planet

I'm working on this planet that has 1.5x earth's mass, so the gravity is a little stronger, given that the density it's the same. The gravity is 1.15x earth's. As i don't know how to calculate the ...
Marcos Marolato's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What effect would exceptionally tall mountains have on high-altitude wind currents in an Earth-like environment?

I am currently in the process of building my fantasy world from the ground up and as I finished my height map, I realized I had some pretty tall mountains. Not just a few of those stereotypical lone, ...
Erik Morelock's user avatar
1 vote
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Causing A Snowstorm

Okay, so I have a humanoid alien villain who can cause massive windstorms. She is capable of moving at Mach speeds, and can rotate her arms and legs really fast, and stands at about 2.06 m tall, and ...
TysonDennis's user avatar
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How do you develop global wind patterns for your world?

I'm trying to develop climatic maps for our countries and know that wind is a huge part of that. Our world is shaped the same as Earth, it's just a little smaller, and our axis is slightly less tilted ...
Amber Blue's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to construct an Earth-like world with very high wind speeds

I want to create a world where humans can live outside (perhaps with some protective clothing) but where very high winds exist in almost all potentially habitable areas making life outside impossible ...
Slarty's user avatar
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How does axial tilt affect atmospheric pressure and wind?

I'm working on an earht-like map and I'm having a hard time understanding where to put the high and low pressure zones. Here's some background info first. Axial tilt: 25 degrees Tropics latitude: 25 ...
Ashley's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Could a planet have a single source of wind?

I was creating a map of the air currents in my world, working back from the climates of the land (which I had already determined). (The world consists of one continent, similar to Pangea, with empty ...
Rory M. Tims's user avatar