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Saturnian Cloud Cities Pt. 3- Wind Turbine Problems

This is my third question in the series "Saturnian Cloud Cities", the previous question is "Ice Harvester Planes" The Saturnian cloud city consists of a giant Titanium-Graphene ...
Arcturus's user avatar
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what would the wind patterns on a world that has a constant "midnight sun" [duplicate]

I created a world that's axial tilt is on a constant 45 degree angle in the northern hemisphere it would look something like this. The problem is I can't figure out how the wind currents would work. ...
coolcom300's user avatar
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5 answers

When and how do winds and currents form?

I'm trying to design a map for my new planet, but I'm realising I know very little of how planets come to be the way they are, especially when it comes to currents and climates. To make things simple ...
Mr_Bober's user avatar
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Would a planet with stronger winds create more interesting landforms through weathering?

If I design a planet with stronger winds (maybe on average 40 mph, rather than the 7 mph average winds we have here), would interesting land formations be more common due to increased wind erosion, or ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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How fast would winds be on a terrestrial planet with a 12 hour day?

I'm designing a high gravity (1.38g) world with a fast rotation rate (12 hours). I think the circulation cells would be stronger with a faster rotation rate, but I'm trying to figure out what a ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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Is my map of prevailing winds on a binary planet realistic?

My binary planet consists of a Venus sized earth-like planet, tidally locked to a mars sized “super mercury”, with their centers separated by about 7 Venus radii. I know the coriolis effect would ...
Sean Holm's user avatar
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