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Questions tagged [seasons]

Questions about periodic variations in weather patterns, often but not necessarily referring to patterns recurring approximately on the scale of a sidereal year. Compare [climate] and [weather].

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4 votes
5 answers

How would Earth's plants change in this speculated Earth-like planet?

In a revival of one of my older questions, A Habitable Zone Within a Habitable Zone, this Earthlike planet orbits a binary of yellow suns, which by itself orbits a binary of red giants. (Lifespan is ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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How will the monsoons work in this boomerang-shaped supercontinent?

Back and forth, I have created a fantasy supercontinent shaped in the likeness of an asymmetrical boomerang, with its elbow enlarged to resemble a fish’s head pointing westward, its lifting arm long ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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1 answer

How would a planet with both global and hemispherical seasons work?

Long ago, I asked a question on how to make Earth's oceans brackish based on Chris Wayans's super-Earth, Lyr. Now we're going back to it because it has another interesting detail which results in ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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Axis tilt, days, and a year [closed]

Hello I’m not really good at math. I was wondering what kind of effect a world with these attributes have: a 22 degree axis with 10 months, and and 307/306 days (7 months with 31 days, 3 months with ...
Kelplink's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Causes of extreme seasons on an Earth-like planet such that humans need to migrate

I am thinking of an Earth-like planet that has extreme seasons (temperature) such that the humans (or other lifeforms) living there need to systematically migrate (probably twice per year) from one ...
Blair Nangle's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What natural forces can cause a volcano to erupt seasonally?

Simply put, what forces of nature would cause a volcano to erupt on a seasonal basis? Say it does not do anything 9/12 months, but it becomes very active for three months and often erupts. I would ...
Rory 02's user avatar
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The Tropic of Ice: how cold might it get in a long-lasting planetary ring shadow?

I am working on my second novel set on a ringed Earth-like planet. Compared to Earth it has a slow orbit (19 Terran years) and a low axial tilt resulting in minimal seasonal variance. The low axial ...
Sax Brightwell's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is this a plausible way for an Earth-like exomoon to have earth-like seasons?

Imagine an earth-type world orbiting a Jupiter-like gas giant roughly within the habitable zone. If the plane on which the moon orbits the planet is tilted at an angle relative to the Solar System's ...
Indoordinosaur's user avatar
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3 answers

Is that an elliptical orbit gas giant?

Let's say there was a ship that went into orbit around a gas giant roughly the size of Jupiter. It's going to have a highly elliptical orbit so it's much closer to the sun during summer than in winter ...
Joe Smith's user avatar
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What seasons would look like on a supercontinent on the planet-facing side of a tidally-locked moon

I have read through previous questions here about seasons on a tidally-locked moon (I'm hoping this is far enough away from those to not be a duplicate question) and I think I understand the theory of ...
SaintDiabolus's user avatar
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1 answer

How might seasons work on Alpha Centauri Cb?

(first post from a writer drafting a sci-fi novel, so please forgive any ignorance or missteps and TIA!) Let's say Alpha Centauri Cb is habitable, under these conditions: Air quality capable of ...
reiterwriter's user avatar
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How can an archipelago experience a humid continental climate?

Given an archipelago around 40 degrees south latitude, and slightly farther out west than New Zealand from a North-South continent roughly similar to the Americas, how could such an archipelago ...
PeriodicParticle's user avatar
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2 answers

Equations for converting axial tilt to hours of daylight

I have a world that I am intending to give about an 18° axial tilt. I know generally that this will reduce seasonal variation in the length of daylight (sunrise to sunset), however, what I'm unsure of ...
A Herrera's user avatar
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Underwater Seasonal Ice?

I'm attempting to create a planet that's 90% covered in water (as in 10% of the land is above the surface, not mass or volume). However, I want some large-scale event to occur every year or so that ...
Onennon's user avatar
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4 answers

Could I keep buildings heated during multi week long hibernation?

In the world of a story I'm writing, there is not normal night and day, nor are there seasons. Instead, the world is governed by magical lights, which occur in several week cycles - the light Dawn has ...
WasatchWind's user avatar
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8 answers

Having a long winter every four years - regularly [duplicate]

I'm in the process of writing my novel (actually I've just about finished the second draft and am due to send it to my editor). It is a fantasy/sci-fi mix, and every four years the planet experiences ...
ChrisPaul92's user avatar
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How would plant life be affected by rapid fluctuations in temperature?

In my fantasy world I'm constructing, there is not a traditional day and night. Rather, magical lights cross the sky. As soon as one sets, another rises. There are three of these lights, each ...
WasatchWind's user avatar
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How do I make longer seasons realistic on an earth like planet?

I am making a setting for a various TTRPGs that me and my friends want to play. I want this world to have longer seasons than earth. I was thinking about 3-4 earth years each season. This is difficult,...
Nixk's user avatar
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What would the weather be like on an earth like planet the size of Jupiter? [closed]

Let’s get this out of the way: yes, I have considered the fact that there would be a massive gravity difference, but I have figured out a way around it. (It’s implausible in our reality, but works for ...
Misenthrope's user avatar
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Length of seasons on a planet with eliptical orbit

In my sci-fi story, I have a binary star system with two Sun-like stars orbiting each other in nearly circular orbits. The separation allows them to have planets in stable orbits, and their habitable ...
Krišjānis Liepiņš's user avatar
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Would scaling up the Tiwi islands for a setting maintain its bizarre weather patterns?

The Tiwi islands are 2 big islands off the coast of Northern Australia known for an event the locals call “Hector the Convector”. It is a cumulonimbus thunderstorm that happens every day from ...
Lot-Of-Malarkey's user avatar
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2 answers

Using Magic Portals to make Artificial, Localized Seasons

Basically, in my world there are no seasons on any of the relevant planets due to no axial tilt or orbital eccentricity. However, there are two portals which allow for travel between a fairly hot ...
skout's user avatar
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Why does the ITCZ "cling to" landmasses?

Edit: ITCZ: As pointed out in comments. I'm trying to figure out where exactly the ITCZ in my world will go (at least during its July-...
whatamidoing's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How Would Really Short Seasons Affect Climate

So, this is an idea I am throwing around for my world, but not one I am committed to, but I am interested in it to see if I would like to do it. Basically, my fictional world orbits a cool, boring, ...
skout's user avatar
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4 answers

Help in determining the features of a fictional planet

I'm writing a sci-fi novel about a planet outside of the Solar System. The planet can support human life and is similar to Earth in many ways (1G gravity, Nitrogen-Oxygen-Carbon atmosphere, soil and ...
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2 answers

What would be the effects on climate on a Venus sized planet orbiting a K0V star in a similar manner to Mars?

The planet has the characteristics of Venus in terms of mass (0.815 Earths), density (5.243g/cm3), surface area (0.902 Earths) and gravity (8.87m/s). It has an Earth-like atmosphere,water covers about ...
Aristeus's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Would the seasons on this solar system be too extreme for Earth life to thrive?

In this artificial galaxy, there is a trinary of quasar stars at the center, each one 1.5 trillion times as massive and 995 trillion times as bright as our sun, each one having its own ring of mirrors,...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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2 answers

How would Blue/Yellow colored plants change during different weather seasons

My planet basically revolves around a blue star or a star that gives off more blue wavelengths, and the color of the plants are either blue or yellow or both because they are trying to absorb the most ...
Erik Sanchez's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Could an Irregular Orbit Cause Significantly Longer Seasons?

I have a fantasy world I'm making, with a planet and sun similar to our world, except the length of the seasons are significantly longer. Each of the seasons last two years, and the full seasonal ...
RedPyromancer06's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

How Bright Would a "Summer" Night Be on This Extreme Alternate Earth?

Here is the oversimplified map of the solar system of an alternate Earth: It is actually two separate binaries--one consisting of a red giant 100 times as wide, one-third as massive and 1,000 times ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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4 answers

What Would the Climate Be Like on this Extreme Alternate Earth?

In an alternate universe, Earth orbits not one sun, but two. As you can see, both stars are orange dwarves, each one only 40% as bright as our sun. All the same, this alternate Earth orbits from ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

Can a planet have asymmetrical weather seasons? Like 3 months for summer, fall and spring each and 6 months of winter?

I looked around for an answer and was unable to find it here. So can the planet have asymmetrical seasons? I want my imaginary planet to have winter doubled comparing to summer. And which astronomical ...
Bryozoa's user avatar
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Life in the Temperate Zone of an Alternate Earth with an Axial Tilt of 42 Degrees--What Would the Seasons Be?

Suppose that in an alternate universe, Earth has an axial tilt not of 23.5 degrees, but 42. This means that from the equator, tropical climates with binary seasons (wet and dry) would persist from as ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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4 answers

World with two directly opposed habitable continents, one hot one cold, with significant geographical barrier between them

I'm trying to design a planet with two continents where one is always warm/hot and the other is cool/cold. The continents should be directly opposite each other (so not a pole and an equatorial one). ...
チェズ's user avatar
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Is it Possible to Have a Tropical Climate With a Summer Dry Season? [closed]

In my book series, the northern coast of one of my provinces is in the tropics and on the western side of its continent. However, because it is mountainous and on a relatively cold sea, I was thinking ...
The Weasel Sagas's user avatar
34 votes
20 answers

My planet has a long period orbit. How can I make the seasons change faster in order to shorten the length of a calendar year on it?

I wanted a habitable planet around a binary star system, so I conjured up a system that let me have one. The problem that I'm facing is that the goldilocks orbital parameters for this planed ended up ...
Darth Biomech's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Inclinatory Cycles and Seasonbuilding

I was doing some tests in Universe Sandbox a while ago and I noticed a strange behavior shown by giant planets on highly inclined orbits. In the simulation I placed an Earth at 1 AU around the Sun, ...
Nip Dip's user avatar
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Starting the year with september equinox

I know of several historical and fictional traditions which use spring equinox as a way to sync their calendars with the solar year, starting a new year on (or around) March 20. Are there are any ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible that a moon has seasons? [duplicate]

Okay, so my setting for a story was a moon, and I recently heard that moons can’t have seasons... is there any possible way that my moon can have seasons, specifically summer and winter?
Username reset's user avatar
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Magical Island question part 2: How to add desert to it

Part number 1 of the question can be found here: Now I wanted to add a few things just to be on the clear side of things, my world is originally inspired by Brazil. So: On the southeast the continent ...
NickNunes's user avatar
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7 answers

How to have a landmass the size of Great Britain have almost every single climate

I'm creating a continent which will be about the size of Great Britain (250.000 km2) and I'm creating it under certain constraints.: This continent was very powerful once upon a time, but now it is ...
NickNunes's user avatar
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Temperatures and water level during very long eclipse

If we have extreme and short winter caused by 3-day-eclipse, what would be temperatures like? Conditions: Planet is like earth, atmosphere, oceans, ice caps and so, but there is no regular seasons, ...
miki's user avatar
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What could cause uneven seasons? [duplicate]

A world's seasons have different lengths. Winter lasts for 33% of the year, Spring and Fall for 25%, and Summer for only 17%. On the other hemisphere, it is the inverse. Is there any scientific ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
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3 answers

How fairies control the transition of seasons

I have a world of perpetual, consistent, and evenly distributed "daylight" (for purposes of this question, you don't need to worry about how this would be achieved). Left to its own devices, ...
Nosajimiki's user avatar
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Obliquity-Induced Hadley Cell Reversal

My planet has an axial tilt around 50° and a day length around 3 earth days. Under these conditions two things should occur: 1: There should be one large cell per hemisphere. 2: This cell should ...
Aezyc's user avatar
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Do seasons occur on a tidally-locked planet?

I have done some research and so much contradict one another or I simply fail to understand. Do seasons occur on a tidally locked planet that isn't tilted on its axis?
Mister Onion's user avatar
18 votes
8 answers

Is it possible for a planet to have the same seasons in both hemispheres?

Our spherical planet has two hemispheres divided at the equator. Those living in the north hemisphere experience the opposite season as those living in the south hemisphere at any given time of year. ...
Nanoshadow's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Frequent Solar Eclipse Cycle and Its Effects [closed]

I’m trying to imagine a sci-fi/fantasy world in which a solar eclipse occurs roughly once every 3 or 4 days. The exact frequency can be arbitrary and varied, but it does need to occur often. I would ...
Aspiring13's user avatar
7 votes
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Is it realistic that mountain cultures use a different calendar than the low landers?

My fantasy setting is on a wet and humid world of innumerable islands; many of which are quite mountainous. With conditions ranging from Mediterranean to Tropical. The culture here experience only ...
Trismegistus's user avatar
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How does axial tilt affect atmospheric pressure and wind?

I'm working on an earht-like map and I'm having a hard time understanding where to put the high and low pressure zones. Here's some background info first. Axial tilt: 25 degrees Tropics latitude: 25 ...
Ashley's user avatar
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