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2 answers

A Frozen Metropolis

Scientists have discovered an Earth-like planet in another solar system, with the same gravity, atmosphere composition, etc, and they decide to colonize it. There is only one problem, though. It is ...
Firebird's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

A Planet Where The Four Seasons Occur Multiple Times In One Year?

Earthlings, I live on a world where most places on my planet has four seasons, just like yours does. We also have one sun and one moon, presumably. It's been not even a year since I came of age (20), ...
Sora Tamashii's user avatar
2 votes
9 answers

How to explain the presence of a dense debris field around Earth?

I'm creating a sci-fi world similar to ours roughly 50 years in the future. Unobtanium, a futuristic metal and fuel source, was discovered in 2020. Its broad utility led to rapid advances across all ...
cinnamon18 supports Monica's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I figure out the size of an Earth-like world's layers and composition of elements

After getting help from the members of this site with Worldbuilding an Earth-like world around an F-Type Star, I have another question. The Planet's radius is 90% of Earth's. The Planet's rotation is ...
BlindingLight's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What are reasonable rotation rates of an Earth-like world?

I have the radius, volume, mass and density figured out. It does not have a moon. I do wonder how that will affect the rotation. The Earth's rotation was considerably faster before the creation of the ...
BlindingLight's user avatar
20 votes
13 answers

How can a portal that connects two planets affect the environment?

In my world there are two planets within the same solar system, which are connected approximately every seven cycles through a portal that opens for a few days. The planets are very similar. The ...
Hedufigo's user avatar
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0 answers

How big could a planet be and still have earth like conditions? [duplicate]

I am building a world that I would like to be as big as possible and still have very close to earth like conditions, gravity, weather, seasons, life and other things that are similar. Would things ...
Zurrock Wolfhart's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Number of planets in a habitable zone with large moons [closed]

I recently had an idea, and it involved moons. Excluding gas giants, roughly what percentage of planets in the habitable zones of their stars would have large moons like Earth does, as opposed to Mars ...
The Literary Lord's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Siamese Twin Planets?

Premise I want to explore the possibility of a planet that is extremely misshapen. If we were to extrapolate what we have observed from our solar system and the extra-solar planets discovered so far, ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
21 votes
7 answers

How do I maximize a planet's wave height (on average)?

Premise I am in the formation phase of a fictional world. I would like one of its notable characteristics to be extremely large waves. On Earth, most of our large waves are triggered by earthquakes, ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Would this type of atmosphere be suitable for human life?

I've been trying to create a Earth-like planet but I'm not sure if my planet's atmosphere is breathable. (It's mostly the amount of helium I'm worried about). I've tried to make it Earth-like while ...
A good username's user avatar
24 votes
6 answers

How many tectonic plates should my planet have? And why?

While constructing a planet, with the same mass, volume and overall composition as Earth, how do I know how many tectonic plates should it have? And what does having more or fewer tectonic plates ...
ThomasEvenor's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What would be the effect of gas giant was turned into a sun on a planet with no axial tilt [closed]

Scenario: A star system with multiple planets, in particular a habitable planet which has no axial tilt such as this, and the next planet out being a gas giant. The gas giant is ignited using a ...
Jared's user avatar
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30 votes
16 answers

In what era or tech level in earth's history did people have the ability to cross a super-earth's ocean 50,000 km wide?

I have a huge planet with two continents separated by a wide ocean. Inhabitants think that their continent is the whole world because the other side is too far and they never visited it. What if ...
brendt's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Horseshoe Orbits

I'm envisioning a series of moons in orbit of a super-earth (ideal) or gas giant. If technically workable, the super-earth would have earthlike gravity, the mass and size aren't important. If it's too ...
user49466's user avatar
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2 answers

corrected projections: Is this world map realistic? I tried to use plate tectonics to inform my mountain and island chain placements

1 degree of latitude = 96.57 km. Equirectangular projections. (Yes, I need to revise the polar regions to make sure they don't get squished.) Obliquity of Jasmi: +31.1 degrees. Radius of Jasmi: 0....
Rúnatál Davino's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is this model possible? Fast axial precession + tidal locking

I'm working on a story set in a planet of permanent dusk/dawn, and with a dark side that never sees the light of sun. I know that a planet tidally locked to its star would (roughly) look like this, ...
MoholyNagy's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

What could cause the world to be almost completely submerged in water, naturally or man-made?

I'm trying to build a world that is almost completely water, but I couldn't come up with an explanation for WHY the world was like this. The world has the same gravity and atmosphere of Earth. It also ...
SaneDragon's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How would you calculate the habitable surface area on Gliese 667 Cc?

How could I calculate the habitable bounds, in relation to temperature, near the twilight zone of Gliese 667 Cc? Assuming an Earth-like atmosphere and no tidal working. Here are the numbers that I ...
Tristong's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to have a fictional home-bearing huge tree?

I wrote a story in which humans live on huge trees on a fictional habitable planet similar to earth. the tree would be even more huge than the hometree from avatar. The tree is not taller than the ...
Peaceman's user avatar
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39 votes
2 answers

Terrestrial Exoplanet Skies – I've Built a Visual Sky Chart. Is it Correct?

I'm an artist and I've been trying to find a comprehensive resource that would help me clearly identify likely sky colors for exoplanets that have atmospheres with a similar chemical composition to ...
n_bandit's user avatar
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2 answers

Would residents of a small planet realize the planet is small?

I am considering setting my next D&D campaign on an earthlike but small planet. By "small," I am imagining a world that still feels vast, yet is circumnavigable over land and/or water with low or ...
Gday's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

Maximum habitability of a planet with no indigenous life

I've been thinking about terraforming and planets in general. We can look at the planets we know that might be terraformable - Venus and Mars - and understand the technical requirements for doing so. ...
Simba's user avatar
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2 answers

Behavior of two separate(by planet) Human societies towards each other. [closed]

Lets say in this solar system, there are two planets, always on the direct opposite sides of their sun. Both planets are not capable of light speed travel or even at the advanced technological level ...
Matthew Ng's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

What would produce the most uneven but earthlike planetary surface?

What planetary parameters such as plate tectonics and volcanism etc would best encourage the most uneven planetary surface on an earth like planet? I want a world to be covered in very uneven terrain,...
Slarty's user avatar
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-3 votes
3 answers

How much variation is possible among planets with "Earth-like" surface gravity? [closed]

What is the possible range of variation among planets with Earth-like surface gravity, and what limitations could we expect on this variation assuming the planets were formed by natural processes? For ...
SudoSedWinifred's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How many moons can form around this alternate Earth?

Say in an alternate timeline, Earth developed with more moons. Many, many many more moons. In fact, it developed with the absolute maximum amount of moons a planet of its size and mass can physically ...
LargeDan69's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

If Earth was tidally locked to the sun, where on the surface would the climate be mildest or most hospitable?

This is specifically about the climate, and where on the planet it would be mildest. Imagine Earth, rotating at the usual distance from the sun. Except, it is tidally locked to the sun; a so-called "...
Fred the John's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is planetary drill possible?

I was wondering would a planetary drill be possible? The drill should go inside the planet on one side and exit on the other. Would that kind of a drill be possible on Earth and if not on what kind of ...
Plexus's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Are these conditions for a planet realistic?

Since I'm creating a "new world" for my story, I wanted to know if the following conditions would work for an Earth-like planet: Its moon (more or less same size as our moon) being much closer (but ...
C. Marshall's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How could a planet have plate tectonics but zero or weak earthquakes?

How could an earth sized and broadly / liberally earth-like planet have plate tectonics but still experience zero or weak / little earthquakes? How can I have the weakest earthquakes possible while ...
Noble's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What if an Earth-like planet had rings? [closed]

I use "Earth-like" in this instance to describe an alternate world with conditions to lead to the evolution of humans. This planet is not Earth and exists in a different system or galaxy entirely. For ...
Elvesflame's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How would two moons work on a planet? [duplicate]

I'm planning on making a "new world", in a new planet. This planet would have similar living conditions to the Earth, but two moons (both in the same orbit, so that both can be seen at night), but I ...
C. Marshall's user avatar
23 votes
13 answers

What could cause the Earth to be so endangered that mankind needs to relocate to another system?

I am looking at realistic options that could damage the Earth so severely that it would be impossible for mankind to survive there and that would also not allow us to just colonize other planets or ...
Gareth Clegg's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How could a TINY Second Moon minimally affect Earth? [duplicate]

So I found this site through this other question asking generally about what Earth would be like with two moons. However, these responses, like pretty much everything else I've been able to find ...
lilywin's user avatar
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1 answer

Conditions for human life in a Jupiter-like system

I was wondering about a setting where a moon orbiting a gas giant can sustain human life on its surface, i.e. with nearly identical conditions compared to Earth (e.g. size, gravity, mean temperature, ...
Wumpus's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What would weather look like on a world with a 9-year day?

In a world I am building, the planet's days are longer than its years, with a single day taking 9 years. In all other ways, this planet is similar to Earth, but are there other differences I am ...
TrEs-2b's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Asteroid-Merging vs. Dwarf-Planet-Merging: What's the Difference?

It has become accepted knowledge that the planet Earth was birthed via a swirling cloud of dust and gravel clumping into larger and larger pieces of rock. It began 4.54 billion years ago, and 100 ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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3 answers

If a planet receives only 7.5 hours of daylight in its 30 hours cycle, how will be the conditions on it? [closed]

If a planet receives only 7.5 hours of daylight in its 30 hours cycle, how will be the conditions on it? The considerations are that the planet receives as much sunlight as Earth, and is in the ...
Aniruddha Khanwelkar's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How small in diameter a planet can be while retaining most of Earth's properties?

Suppose that I have a planet very similar to Earth. It has the same level of gravity, water-land ratio, temperature, air composition, rotation and revolution speed, tectonic activities, temperature. ...
絢瀬絵里's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Could a carbon/silicon/oxygen planet exist?

I'm exploring various kinds of potentially habitable planets as part of a universe-building exercise, and have recently delved into the fascinating concept of carbon-rich planets. My question is ...
Schafer's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Could a planet with no satellites and no tectonic plates be habitable? [closed]

If there was an earth-like planet in the habitable zone, without tectonic plates or a satellite what would its characteristics be like (structure, geology etc.)?
user29609's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What kind of human habitable planets should in put in the goldilock zone?

I want to have 3 different habitable BY HUMANS planets in a single system, I don't know much about physics so I bought Universe Sandbox2 and I'm trying to build solar system with 3 habitable planets ...
Soba's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Would it be possible to recreate planet Earth on a desolate planet that has with similar basic properties?

Would it be possible to recreate planet Earth and it's ecosystem on a desolate planet that has with similar basic properties? This planet has a similar temperature range to Earth, has no soil, only ...
AutoBaker's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Climates if Earth had large axial tilt (45 or 90 degrees)

Has anybody made any serious calculations of what the climates on Earth would be if our planet had a larger axial tilt? The most interesting are the cases of 45 and 90 degrees.
Milchar's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Could there be an upside down hurricane on a gaseous super-Earth

I wrote a novel based on a human civilization that lives floating cities and dirigibles on a small, atmosphere-abundant super-Earth with a liquid water core (there's a smaller solid core under that, ...
Adam Wykes's user avatar
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2 votes
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Planetary division, survival and repopulation (threefold question) [closed]

Three related questions in the same scenario that build off one another. Question 1: Could a terrestrial planet be broken into multiple pieces (2 or 3) and continue its orbit without colliding with ...
kalebmordecai's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

The Earth's overcrowded, so let's build another one [closed]

Let's say we are about a century in the future. The Earth's overcrowded, so natural resources fundamental to life as we know it (water, farming soil, energy, food) are not enough to meet everyone's ...
Electrical Architect's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Could a planet half the radius of Earth with the same surface gravity exist? [duplicate]

I've worked out that I require double the density in order to achieve the same surface gravity as Earth, so what kind of composition would be required for this sort of planet to exist? I'm planning ...
Andrew Recard's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Two orbits, Four habitable planets in the goldilocks zone?

I know there are questions similar to this, but I'm not very scientific minded, and wanted to check with you guys how this would work exactly. I don't care what else I need to add into the equation to ...
Winchester's user avatar