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162 votes

An Earth-like planet is found in another solar system. What are the top priorities after landing in order to create a self-sustaining colony?

Firstly, if you don't have the capabilities to construct a closed life support system, then you have no business trying to construct a colony many light years away, with no support and no backup and ...
Starfish Prime's user avatar
115 votes

Is this alternate history plausible? (Hard Sci-Fi, Realistic History)

The story can be summed up as follows. Von Braun is captured by the Soviets, not the Americans. Failure to beat the Soviets to the Moon extends the Space Race. An extended Space Race means space ...
Schwern's user avatar
  • 30.2k
108 votes

What could a self-sustaining lunar colony slowly lose that would ultimately prove fatal?

EDIT April 26, 2020 While searching through my answers for research related to another question I came across this answer. The irony that I wrote this one year ahead of the Coronavirus pandemic, which ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 128k
86 votes

Is it a forgone conclusion that any exo-bacteria discovered on an alien, albeit Earth-like planet will be deadly to human life?

Exo-bacteria is more likely to be harmless than harmful There are a couple assumptions that you're making that really aren't the case. To start with, microorganisms that our immune systems have no ...
Rob Watts's user avatar
  • 20k
78 votes

Is pregnancy in zero-g a barrier to long term space living?

Last time I looked into this I was amazed these experiments (mammalian conception to delivery in orbit) had not been done. I figured I just had not found it and so I dug in this time. For mammals, ...
Willk's user avatar
  • 305k
78 votes

Why would a previously spacefaring civilization become unable to build another interstellar ship?

The simplest way is probably to leave them with a shortage of unobtainium. A substance named for obvious reasons, that happens to be required for the production of FTL drives. Perhaps the limited ...
Separatrix's user avatar
  • 118k
76 votes

How would Martian and Earth societies synchronize themselves regarding time?

First off, the issue with relativity is solved. No kidding! Barycentric time (TCB) is a time scale that an atomic clock would perceive were it co-moving with the sun. This, of course, is a ...
Cort Ammon's user avatar
  • 133k
71 votes

Colonizing the galaxy by slow boating reality check

Is this a realistic way to colonize and explore the universe? No. Apart from problems with generational ships, which you'll find discussed on Worldbuilding SE in other questions, there is a ...
StephenG - Help Ukraine's user avatar
67 votes

Would there be any reason to colonize the coastal regions of a lifeless Earth-like world?

Water has a high specific heat. Consequently, the more water that is near a place, the more even the temperatures are. Deserts are notoriously burning hot in the day and freezing at night, but even ...
Mary's user avatar
  • 29.8k
66 votes

Why do people still live on earthlike planets?

Stability Nothing beats the radiation shielding of 1,000 kilometers of magnetic field + 100 kilometers of air + (at night) 6,000 kilometers of water and rock. For heat, nothing beats 22 billion cubic ...
James McLellan's user avatar
63 votes

Why would a previously spacefaring civilization become unable to build another interstellar ship?

Their ship and her payload were designed as a colony expedition. They had not just asteroid mining craft, and seeds for hydroponics, and modular habitat sections, they also had the blueprints and ...
o.m.'s user avatar
  • 119k
61 votes

If true interplanetary and interstellar travel were achieved, would the decreasing mass of the earth become a problem?

Earth is big.[citation needed] The mass of Earth is about $6 * 10^{24}$ kilograms. Not all of that mass is usable to make spaceships, of course, but let's just hand-wave that and look purely in terms ...
John Robinson's user avatar
59 votes

Would gas giants work as waste disposal sites?

What you suggest is possible, but the solution is a major problem, for larger reasons. We have sent probes to crash into Jupiter. It is physically possible to send waste into a gas giant. Just as it ...
flox's user avatar
  • 22.4k
58 votes

Preventing racism in space colonies

Any group of humans can, over time, develop a sense of "us" vs "them". Racism is only one type of this behavior. Even if all of your colonists were to be identical clones, the ...
IronEagle's user avatar
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57 votes

Colonizing the galaxy by slow boating reality check

Slow being a little less than half the speed of light, thanks to getting a very large boost as they start their journey. Slow down there! literally. At that speed it's not really a generation ship ...
Murphy's user avatar
  • 26.4k
56 votes

How would the water flow if you were to have a shower in centrifugal force equivalent to 1 g on a rotating space station?

As the water "falls" from shower head height towards the drain at the floor, it would be moving at a fixed velocity and be rotating slower than it should at the increased radius of the bottom of the ...
Josh King's user avatar
  • 25k
54 votes

Why would a colony need to relocate?

This isn't our land anymore, kiddo. There was a time in the past your old grampa here would oversee all of those mining operations, from the Red Hills all the way to the Prima City. It was such a ...
Mermaker's user avatar
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51 votes

How could humans reach distant stars and still stay as a united government if you can't use faster than light travel

If you have only lightspeed communications and STL transport, any organization larger than a single star system (including close binaries etc.) will be more a matter of cooperation than of actual ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
  • 46.1k
50 votes

What could a self-sustaining lunar colony slowly lose that would ultimately prove fatal?

Materials exposed to vacuum for extended periods often become brittle and/or literally lose mass over time. Outgassing, cold-welding, decomposition of alloys back to their constituent materials, ...
GerardFalla's user avatar
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50 votes

After we drain the Sun and migrate, why would humanity find the Solar System important?

Good old tourism. Why people go visiting caves with painting on their walls, or ruins of ancient cities, even though they have much more comfortable houses? Because they are curious about their past ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 297k
49 votes

Would there be any reason to colonize the coastal regions of a lifeless Earth-like world?

I can think of two reasons: Access to drinkable water. If the oceans are salty or dirty, the settlers might establish desalinisation and/or water purifying plant (assuming today's technological level)...
Prieforprook's user avatar
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48 votes

If we can have "all the comforts of home" in space why would we settle planets?

If nothing else we would need planets for raw materials and therefore have at the very least mining colonies or penal camps. You can't produce metals, plastics and all the rest from nothing. Also ...
Kilisi's user avatar
  • 27.3k
47 votes

Creating Fictional Slavic Place Names

You will likely have an easier time if you pick a Slavic language that uses a Roman alphabet. Like Czech or Slovak (which are very similar to each other). Then you don't have to deal with the unknown ...
Cyn's user avatar
  • 20.4k
46 votes

Why would a civilisation choose to inhabit a single enormous vessel instead of maintaining interstellar colonies?

In the savannah of the universe, stars are the watering holes needed to sustain life, but full of predators and dangerous. Colonies are fixed targets, perhaps there are some hostile alien entities ...
Josh King's user avatar
  • 25k
46 votes

How would I coordinate meetings with people on Mars?

The same way we do now. I work for a multinational company, with colleagues distributed across a dozen time zones. When I need to schedule a meeting with many people, I simply open Outlook, and look ...
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
45 votes

Where would space habitats get their oxygen from?

According to this lovely image from NASA (article here), the source of onboard oxygen in current spacecraft is mainly water electrolysis. The hydrogen so produced is processed with carbon dioxide to ...
Cadence's user avatar
  • 38.7k
45 votes

What secular civic space would pioneers build for small frontier towns?

An assembly hall (town hall). The reason those churches get used for other things is that there are reasons other than worship for everybody to gather at times. A church's main hall is only in use ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
44 votes

How would a lunar colony defend itself against aggression from Earth?

They would throw rocks, literally. The fuel needed to push any given mass out of the moons very small (relative to the earths) gravity well & into the earths (& it's all down hill after that) ...
Pelinore's user avatar
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