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78 votes
6 answers

Are geographically typed planets realistic?

In many science fictions we see planets which are designated by a particular terrain type. For example, Dagobah is a swamp planet, Tatooine is a desert planet, and Kamino is an ocean world. However, ...
Liath's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

What would an ammonia-based world look like?

Apart from the obvious difference that liquid ammonia needs a much colder temperature than liquid water (but ammonia-based life forms wouldn't feel that as particularly cold), what would be the most ...
celtschk's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Possible reef world?

Piggybacking off this question: Shallow sea world - plausable geology? what would we need to have a world covered in reef? An entire world of this: If I understood them correctly the previous ...
Len's user avatar
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53 votes
4 answers

What would a planet spinning fast enough to allow geostationary orbit near the surface look like?

From an answer to a previous question of mine: A planet spinning fast enough to allow geostationary orbit near the surface would result in odd side effects. Any object at rest on the equator would ...
Sheraff's user avatar
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130 votes
21 answers

What would make scientists realize they were on a flat world?

Scenario: While poking around in an alien ruin, scientists discover a gateway which offers instant transportation to an Earth-like world. The Observed World: The gateway leads to an area that is ...
Liesmith's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

What would the effects be of two tidal locked planets have on each other's geography?

I've heard a lot of people say that having two tidally locked planets close together would have adverse affects on both planets. I have two tidally locked planets at a distance of 16,550 miles apart. ...
Xandar The Zenon's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

The Reality of a River World

In a setting I am presently working on, I have envisioned a world similar to Star Wars' Takodana, in that its water is mainly in the form of large rivers, or smaller seas (I generally picture it ...
user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Natural subterranean cave formations on Mars

Is it possible that subterranean caves do/have existed on Mars? We know of the past existence of water on Mars. Which region (if any) of Mars would we likely find/expect to find a cave system below ...
socrates's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Cauldron of Storms: Geography to create and isolate localized mega-storms

Welcome to the Black Cauldron. The Cauldron of Storms, even. It's a sunny day now, perfect for fishing. Just not here. There's no boats on the water. The weather can go bad, quickly. And anything on ...
Andon's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Will winds always be the same?

Around Earth's equator, there's a band of low pressure called the Doldrums. 30 degrees north and south are bands of high pressure called the horse latitudes. Finally, there are more low-pressure bands ...
SealBoi's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Would residents of a small planet realize the planet is small?

I am considering setting my next D&D campaign on an earthlike but small planet. By "small," I am imagining a world that still feels vast, yet is circumnavigable over land and/or water with low or ...
Gday's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What should an inactive planet's topography be for nutrient circulation?

I'm trying to engineer an Earth mass planet built initially out of pure silicon dioxide (silica). So basically, imagine a glass sphere slightly larger than Earth somewhere in the Goldilocks zone, ...
GloomyBoy's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Drawing landmasses for this odd-shaped planet

I've just come here for some help drawing a map for this fictional planet where two roughly similar planets have been smushed into kind of pear shape like this: So this planet spins on an axis which ...
Leonard Greenland's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

Creating a second earth: How to make a continent?

So, to cut a long story short, a group of people are attempting to turn an earth-sized exoplanet into a new earth; that is, a planet artificially made indistinguishable from old earth. This planet has ...
user98816's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Could a human colony persist long term on a planet with limited food and water resources?

Suppose a highly tectonically active planet, slightly smaller than Earth, has attracted the human race's attention due to its mineral wealth. Its landscape primarily consists of mountain chains, ...
MSet's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Making a world as Agriculturally productive as possible

Basically, God decided to create the perfect world for man to work the land. Even then, he voluntarily decided to follow the laws of physics. I've investigated about some factors that supposedly ...
Rhomaioi's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

What would happen if the earth starts burning? [closed]

What would happen if the earth lights up on fire? Like this picture below: The earth is burning is it gonna explode or maybe even melt? What would happen to the water? Is it gonna boil? What if ...
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