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51 votes

How do you solve the copied consciousness conundrum without killing anyone?

You use centralized version control The problem is akin to copying computer programs around - you must dissociate the physical substrate from the program. It is complicated by the fact that the ...
Hugh Nolan's user avatar
46 votes

How can I prevent an oracle who can see into the past from knowing everything that has happened?

If the collective mind contains memories of people, well... It contains what people remember, not the factual truth. This poses multiple problems: Conflicting memories, which may either be mutually ...
The Square-Cube Law's user avatar
42 votes

What species should be used for storage of human minds?

«primarily for hospital patients with painful conditions» Assuming they are going to recover. Turtles. Very sturdy, easy and cheap to keep, long-lived. You can also reduce their metabolism and keep ...
LSerni's user avatar
  • 55.9k
37 votes

How plausible would a self-aware, conscious viral life-form be?

There is no agreement among scientists if virus are life forms at all, because they are basically just a proteic capsule containing nucleic acid. In order to reproduce they need to hijack some other ...
L.Dutch's user avatar
  • 301k
32 votes

How much can you compress information?

Can data be compressed infinitely? No. Thank goodness. Part of the problem is the effort required to compress data represents the effort required to get at it. Thus, the more highly compressed it is ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
30 votes

How do you solve the copied consciousness conundrum without killing anyone?

You don't In the way you describe, any way of making original cease to function is killing it, so you simply can't do. There are few ways to go around it. StarTrek way — because original is ...
Mołot's user avatar
  • 33.4k
30 votes

How plausible would a self-aware, conscious viral life-form be?

A virus itself doesn't have any independent processing power - it's just an inert list of instructions. It requires a living cell to carry them out. But one possibility would be for a virus to recruit ...
Nullius in Verba's user avatar
30 votes

How much can you compress information?

On average? Not at all. It's a simple application of the pigeonhole principle: $x$ bits can convey $2^x$ different messages. $x-1$ bits can only convey half as many messages. You cannot fit all the ...
Logan R. Kearsley's user avatar
28 votes

What reason could change people's mentality to treat each other as members of one kind?

You have a very ... kumbaya vision of what the world should be like. Unfortunately for you, however, human psychology just doesn't work that way. From the dawn of the human race groups of homo ...
AndreiROM's user avatar
  • 34.7k
27 votes

What would a modern civilization look like if they aren't allowed to write?

Songs. Do you wonder why you, a not particularly musical person, can hum the tune of thousands of different songs you have heard on the radio or in church? Why an average person can remember the ...
Willk's user avatar
  • 306k
26 votes

Can teleportation using the reassembly of atoms preserve consciousness and therefore identity?

Momentary soapbox I apologize, but the current fad of trying to make every aspect of fiction factual is a bit absurd. The trivial answer to your question is, "insofar as we understand science ...
JBH's user avatar
  • 132k
25 votes

What species should be used for storage of human minds?

As much as there might be a trade in recreationally adopting the form of a golden eagle or a porpoise. A very safe and efishent storage vessle would be the goldfish: Wikipedia 2019 CCSAL- Licence ...
Escaped dental patient.'s user avatar
24 votes

What reason could change people's mentality to treat each other as members of one kind?

Common enemy is the best. Human societies are a pack. There is always some fundamentally beneficiary reason for humans to form groups and it needs to benefit everyone. You see that all the time, mafia ...
user3644640's user avatar
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21 votes

Making humans 'see' in slow motion

How fast we see the world is probably mostly tied to our ability to process sensory information. A fly have a quite small brain with very little processing and interpretation compared to a human and ...
Sesdun's user avatar
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20 votes

How can I prevent an oracle who can see into the past from knowing everything that has happened?

Read the histories of the oracles and you'll see they have certain quirks. Consider Cassandra, her curse was that her predictions were always accurate but that nobody would ever believe her. Other ...
Separatrix's user avatar
  • 118k
19 votes

How much can you compress information?

Data compression works by removing redundancies, so it depends on what is considered to be "redundant" in the sum of human knowledge. Lossless compression handles redundancies in a way that ...
BMF's user avatar
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18 votes

How can I prevent an oracle who can see into the past from knowing everything that has happened?

It's very simple for two reasons. Reason 1: It is a collective memory of DEAD people. You can't remember the juicy details about your hot neighbour or the bank account numbers of a rich celebrity if ...
Demigan's user avatar
  • 45.7k
18 votes

Clone consciousness using fake childhoods. Is it plausible?

Summary: The problem with replicating a mature brain by replaying its past experiences is that if there are ever any differences between the brain state of the clone and the brain state of the ...
fibonaccho's user avatar
17 votes

How do you solve the copied consciousness conundrum without killing anyone?

Who can tell? Once you've made the copy it opens its eyes and truly believes it's the original. Everyone around them believes and accepts them to be the original, how can you say it's a copy and not ...
Separatrix's user avatar
  • 118k
15 votes

How do you solve the copied consciousness conundrum without killing anyone?

As Separatix alluded to, this is an age old question which has not had an answer which satisfies everyone for thousands of years. You won't solve it in a few minutes. The name I have most often seen ...
Cort Ammon's user avatar
  • 133k
15 votes

How can I prevent an oracle who can see into the past from knowing everything that has happened?

First, all of human history is...BIG. So what you'd want is specialists in particular areas of history. Here's some fixes: Time. You've got history, but immediate history is more difficult and ...
Erin Thursby's user avatar
  • 32.1k
15 votes

Would giving human-like sentience to a bird make the bird too energy expensive to fly?

We don't know what is necessary for human level intelligence, so let's take the human brain as a starting point, and look at three characteristics: weight: our brains weigh about 1.5 kg. As noted by @...
Profane tmesis's user avatar
15 votes

How would an android's ability to think freely be affected if it cannot question its primary goal?

These androids would fabricate explanations for their main priority. They're doing it because "they want to". Sometime in their future, you might start to see androids who claim to "not ...
John O's user avatar
  • 12.6k
13 votes

How plausible would a self-aware, conscious viral life-form be?

Too far-fetched ... While sentience or consciousness is notoriously badly defined, it probably requires complexity. Humans, whales, or even cats have more complexity than worms or flies, and they ...
o.m.'s user avatar
  • 120k
13 votes

Can teleportation using the reassembly of atoms preserve consciousness and therefore identity?

As far as I'm concerned, teleportation is just another decorative wrapping for the ship of Theseus: And thus, every day you die a bit, get replaced a bit, ...
Pica's user avatar
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12 votes

How do you solve the copied consciousness conundrum without killing anyone?

Gradually Replacing the Brain Similar to Werrf's suggestion I'd go the gradual transfer rout, but I don't know what a "transfer of conscious processes" implies and I'm not sure that a "half conscious"...
Second to Last Unicorn's user avatar
12 votes

What would a modern civilization look like if they aren't allowed to write?

So my first question is how can either the master species or their domesticated animals be highly skilled at engineering and construction without writing? What would the impact of no writing be on the ...
Tim B   II's user avatar
  • 54.2k
12 votes

How can I prevent an oracle who can see into the past from knowing everything that has happened?

/I need to limit this system to the big moves and shakes of history./ Signal strength increases with number of participants. Imagine flying along at 10,000 feet. You cannot see a man lighting his ...
Willk's user avatar
  • 306k
11 votes

Can the future theoretically be predicted through analyzing the exact patterns of the universe?

Yes, if the uncertainty principle was not a thing The uncertainty principle creates an absolute theoretical limit to the precision of certain measurements. We would need to exceed this limit in order ...
forest's user avatar
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11 votes

How could a government be implemented in a virtual reality?

Lazy answer: don't do anything. If everyone can create bots, let them, and then no-one will have the upper hand. Less lazy answer: Processing power and storage space ain't free. In fact, depending ...
Starfish Prime's user avatar

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