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How can an Earth-like planet support two moons of different sizes [closed]

In my world, I need to have two moons orbiting an Earth-like planet. I need the extreme tides as they play a big part for a cultural detail. The first moon should be roughly the size of our own moon, ...
Rey's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

What composition of atmosphere would work with CO2 best? [closed]

I'm working on a solar system where there is a planet with a red-ish atmosphere, due to it mainly being composed of CO2. I know CO2 doesn't react with many chemicals and is pretty dull, molecule-wise. ...
Silvermidnight's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Could this hypothetical Super-Earth support human life?

The Question Could this hypothetical Super-Earth (Planet Y) support the lives of human settlers arriving from off world, or have I created any reasons for the planet to be inhospitable? Planet Y Star: ...
DangItBilly's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How much difference would Alpha Centauri A cause to the climate of a planet about Alpha Centauri B?

Imagine an earthlike planet in the habitable zone of Alpha Centauri B. Call it ACBc (although I am not sure ACBb has been confirmed). When ACA and ACB are closest to one another, they are about 11 AU ...
Mark Foskey's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Could this hypothetical Sub-Earth support human life?

The Question Is a theoretical 2/3rds - 7/10ths Earth big enough to have the magnetic field, atmosphere and plate tectonics to do this, or will I wind up geologically killing the planet? I have been ...
DangItBilly's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What astronomical situation could account for the PERCEPTION of a very erratic day / night cycle for a planetbound population with limited science?

I would like to create a world that is at a roughly medieval level of scientific understanding and which - as far as it appears to the inhabitants of that world - has a highly erratic day and night ...
Curious-7's user avatar
3 votes
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How would weather work on a planet with no rotation and constant sun on all sides?

A while ago I had an idea of a man made planet that consist of a thick, incredibly strong, outer crust, and at the core there is an antigravity/antimatter device that also produces consistent heat and ...
nutella breakfast 's user avatar
7 votes
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Could a planet realistically share an orbit with Jupiter?

So I've been working on a project where I modify the Solar System, and I originally had a small gas planet(like 5-10 earth massses) named Juno orbiting between Jupiter and Saturn. However, as it turns ...
Nip Dip's user avatar
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17 votes
11 answers

What could lead a large ocean on a planet's surface to recede completely only to reappear later on in a cyclical process?

I don't just mean tides or large-scale floods and droughts but a premise where one or more large bodies of water (or even every such body if that makes it easier) disappear, only to reappear one or ...
Qwokker's user avatar
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Auroras of a planet around an active M7 red dwarf

A planet the size of earth around a pretty active M7 red dwarf (think of M to X level flares almost every day) has a decent magnetic field of 0.5-0.8 Gauss, orbiting at a distance of 0.0443AU, with a ...
Fox Studios's user avatar
1 vote
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Is my planet's atmosphere livable for humans?

My planet has a atmospheric pressure of 1.4 atm. The gases that make up the atmosphere are 79% nitrogen, 18.6% oxygen, 1.4% argon, 0.5% water vapor, 0.3% xenon, 0.02% CO2, 0.01% krypton, 0.17% other ...
Epiglottal Trill's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the lowest reasonable density for a Super Earth with earthlike living conditions?

A large planet roughly 3-4 times the mass of Earth. Trying to keep Gravity between 0.75G-1.25G for Earth-like Conditions. I've looked into certain materials such as Silicon Carbide, which is ...
Spoon's user avatar
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6 votes
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Plausibility of life emerging and evolving on gas giant moons?

I have been working on the setting for a hard speculative biology/evolution project that for now will simply be referred to as the Gemini Project, and the main issue I've been having is whether or not ...
Inanis343's user avatar
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Plausibility check for a planet

I have a question about the plausibility of this planet. 2.696246 Earth Masses 1.5 Earth Radii 1.2g 4.4044746136 g/cm3 (0.799 Earth's) I know that the density falls within a range for a terrestrial ...
DanceroftheStars's user avatar
-1 votes
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Could a planet orbiting a g type main sequence star have yellow on its surface? [duplicate]

I had saw somewhere that a habitable planet orbiting a g type star same as our own could have yellow plants so could it?
Jerry Robinson's user avatar
2 votes
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Could a planet 2 times the mass of earth have floating organisms in its skies

Can a planet 2 times the mass of earth have floating animals in its skys? I watched the netflix documentary series ailen world's and one of the exoplanets atlas was high gravity but was very dense so ...
Jerry Robinson's user avatar
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An ocean-planet made out of deadly, non-water chemicals

I'm currently working on a comic-series set in a solar-system that isn't ours, and i'm reworking most of my planets. One of them, a cold ocean-planet below freezing temperatures that orbits its k-...
NimRad's user avatar
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Could humans live on a cylindrical celestial body?

Let's imagine a roughly (or perfectly?) cylindrical celestial body. Other than it's shape, everything about it astronomically (distance from sun, orbit shape, etc.) is the same as Earth. Is it ...
Mocascoolai's user avatar
7 votes
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Could humanoid life survive the violent formation of a planetary ring system?

The deepest mythological archetypes in my Earth-like world hint at a wondrous and terrible disaster in the ancient past. ~10 tya a celestial body (perhaps a small, second moon, or a wandering asteroid,...
Fictotum's user avatar
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9 answers

An atmosphere that gets denser with increasing altitude, to support these flying creatures

I'm thinking about implementing a race of flying creatures in my current setting: an earth-like planet with a breathable (enough) atmosphere. The easiest way to do this is just creating a race of bird-...
NimRad's user avatar
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Can there be habitable moons despite heavy changes in axial tilt of their mother body?

Ok so i created a gas giant with 10 Jupiter masses and like 9 moons between 0.8 and 1.5 earth masses. All exept the most distanced of those moons are tidally locked to the gas giant and their axial ...
Zadai.Fehbiab's user avatar
2 votes
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What would a planet where giant creatures live be like? (gravity, weather, etc.)

I am thinking about a planet on which gorilla-like people live in. Gorilla-shaped, walking on their knuckles, but with the capability of complex speech and a slightly more humanoid face (possessing a ...
nunchucks's user avatar
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Is this ocean-planet stable?

I'm building a cold, water-based ocean-planet for my current setting, its temperature being below 0°c at all times and in all of its regions. Even despite the freezing temperatures, the planet's ...
NimRad's user avatar
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How possible is a habitable, liquid ocean-planet at temperatures below 0°C?

I plan on having an ocean-planet with a breathable atmosphere built into my current setting, orbiting its host-star (a K4v main-sequence star) a short distance beyond its frost-line, with oceans that ...
NimRad's user avatar
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Continent Formation and Volcanos

For over a year I've been writing about a fictional race of people that has taken on rather a life of its own. They live on an earth like world with similar geological processes to our own but I don't ...
Trotskisaurus's user avatar
5 votes
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How to make a hybrid mapping system for aircraft on barren planets without celestial or compass use?

My captains and pirates belt out lots of navigational commands and jargon, but none of it can relate to terrestrial maps. So I’m needing a system they use in transit and combat, that they will ...
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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6 answers

Is it possible to store the gravitational energy between planets somewhere in space? [closed]

Say I have a space station operating between Mars and earth. Can it somehow steal energy from Mars- Earth Earth - Sun Sun - Mars Combinations of gravitational pulls? Would it distort he orbits?
user1194497's user avatar
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Could a captured planet end up in the habitable zone of a new star system?

Is it possible for a planet to be ejected from one star system and end up in the habitable zone of another? Or do captured planets always end up in wide, eccentric orbits? I guess in the vast expanse ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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Can a tidally locked planet with two counter-orbit moons exist for at least 100,000 years?

I believe it is true (correct me if I'm wrong) that a planet with a significant moon such as ours cannot be tidally locked. The orbit of the moon would continue the rotation of the planet and must, ...
JBH's user avatar
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8 votes
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How might planet size affect volcanic activity?

I'm working on a project involving the evolution of life on different hypothetical habitable planets. In imagining different atmospheres on planets of different masses, I'm wondering how a planet's ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How stable would a rogue star system be?

By some means, artificial or naturally occuring, a human inhabited star system has been flung from the Milky Way. Prior to being ejected from the galaxy, the system bears at least one Earth-like ...
WasatchWind's user avatar
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Could a planet orbiting a star have a habitable moon and this moon have its own moon orbiting it?

Could a star system exist where a body orbiting the star has an inhabited planet moon orbiting it instead of the sun? And the inhabited planet moon has its own smaller satellite. I have very little ...
smunji's user avatar
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What would happen to an Earth-like planet if it had a more magnetically permeable inner core?

I was contemplating the impact of doping an Earth-like planet's core with a substance that alters its magnetic permeability. Specifically, I considered a scenario where the planet has an improved ...
riotopsys's user avatar
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How far from a habitable planet must a red giant star be to not seriously affect it?

Can a habitable planet having complex life exist in a binary star system with a Red Giant? I am not talking about close binaries, but distant binaries (100 AU or more). Planets can orbit some smaller ...
Bedlasky's user avatar
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Tides on an Inhabitable planet with rings

I've occasionally pondered the notion of an inhabited planet similar to Earth in terms of size, gravity, atmosphere etc., but with rings circling around it an a similar manner to Saturn. One question- ...
king of panes's user avatar
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Would the substellar point on a tidally locked planet with a large continent over that point and oceans around the edges be covered in rainforest?

I have been working on a tidally locked planet for some time now. During this time I have worked under the assumption that the substellar point would be arid because of the constant bombardment of ...
treeg886's user avatar
4 votes
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Behavior of narrow straits between oceans

I am trying to build a world that would have two oceans separated by a narrow sea/strait/passage. Think of Drake's Passage, but bordered by large land masses from both north and south, like the ...
Maksim Ubaydulaev's user avatar
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A 1:1 tidally locked world begins to spin. What sorts of non-solar natural disasters occur?

As stated a tidally locked world that has complete 1:1 begins to spin slowly. It starts slowly, a 2:1 ratio that steadily ramps up over the course of a month to one rotation every month, which would ...
Quinn's user avatar
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Plausibility, habitability and conditions of shell-system

I have some questions regarding the feasibility of this planetary shell-based construction. I have read other questions about shell worlds, but this case has some unique elements, so I thought I would ...
Three Shells's user avatar
6 votes
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Could earth like planet support a second moon, if it was approximately 1/4 of real moon size?

I would like for my world to have two moons. I think it would look simply stunning at night. Also, I came up with a pretty cool idea for a "God Eye" cult. When the smaller moon would have ...
Kubsterrb17's user avatar
14 votes
9 answers

Is it realistic to have 7 months in a year?

I'm aware of the property of the number $2520$. It's divisible by all integer numbers from $1$ to $10$. One of the factorizations of $2520$ is $7×360$. It came to my mind to make a habitable planet ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
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Looking for a Specific Planet

I know my title isn't the most specific, but the planet I am looking for is. I have been looking through many exoplanets and I can't seem to find what I am looking for, the closest I have found is ...
Amoeba's user avatar
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Decaying Planets

Assume there is this planet with only one type of life; a planet-wide mat of microscopic lithotrophs. These creatures eat through the surface of the planet over time, converting the surface into gas. ...
Amoeba's user avatar
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Is it possible for polar nights at one pole to be 8 & 1/2 months long without significantly messing up the climate?

Is it possible for polar nights at one pole to be 8 & 1/2 months long without significantly messing up the climate? The length of polar nights at the south pole from what i know is a week longer ...
OT-64 SKOT's user avatar
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Is it possible for a planet about 1/5th larger than earth in radius to remain earthlike?

The planet in question has a radius of 7947km, volume 1.9408 times as large as earth, & a weight about 1.55377 times that of earth. I want the planet to be earth like, or at least earth like ...
OT-64 SKOT's user avatar
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Reverse engineering the Hill Sphere?

I'm wondering if anyone has run into the issue of "I know the general idea of how big my moon is but not the parent planet" and how to sort of reverse engineer finding out the mass/radius of ...
Deep Stone Costco's user avatar
4 votes
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What are some ways a planet with a diameter 12 times that of Earth could have a mass barely any larger than Earth’s?

In my stories, there exists an inhabitable, Earth-like, terrestrial planet called Ozarvis 32. Ozarvis 32 has a diameter of 95,110 miles, which I’ve calculated as being about 12 times the diameter of ...
Godzilla Louise's user avatar
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The Finer Details Of A Global Ocean Planet

Some statistics (forgive the redundancy): Radius - 5,400 mi or 8,690.458 km Diameter - 10,800 mi or 17,380.915 km Circumference - 33,929.2 mi or 54,603.754 km Mass - 7.33x10^24 kg or approximately 1....
DLS3's user avatar
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Gas giant ecologies with more realistic weather. Sky anchors

I've always enjoyed stories that explore ideas about life in the clouds of gas giants. The Algebraist by Banks is my favorite. Though one thing that never quite rang true to me about stories like The ...
futurebird's user avatar
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How large should my supermassive planet's core be to prevent it from becoming a star?

My planet is a gas giant, it is called Klarloth (Inspired by a character from "Star Mouse" by Fredric Brown). Klarloth is a strange planet. For one thing, the planet is large in size, more ...
Arcturus's user avatar
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