I have asked previously how I could create an earth-like world with as many deserts as possible in it. I have received some useful answers and have tried to draw a realistic map of what I intend for my continent.
Unfortunately, I have been having trouble using Geoff's Climate Cookbook... if you ask me, it is not very user friendly for someone with no basic knowledge of meteorology, at least before we get the hang of it (and I don't think I got it, not for a long shot). I'm very confused, especially since a vast expanse of my continent rests on the south hemisphere and not the north, which means I have to invert a lot of things.
So, I would like to ask you if you think this map is plausible.
(I'm sorry if it is somewhat simplistically drawn, but I don't want to draw a very detailed continent to find out at the end that it isn't plausible)
Please read the edit at the bottom of the post
- Blue lines: Latitude and longitude (check right and bottom of the screen)
- Black lines: Limits of the continent
- Reddish thick lines: Mountain ranges
- Blue area: Ocean
- Green area: Fertile regions, with relatively high precipitation (irrespective of being tropical, temperate or whatever)
- Yellow area: Hot desert
- Grey area: Cold desert
- Orange area: I don't know which climate to assign to this area
Now, I don't want to dwell on the green areas just yet. If you would like to help me with the "?" area climate, I'd appreciate it, but I'm willing to make a separate question for it, in order to not have my question closed for being too broad.
What I want to know is if the desert areas are well placed.
Area "A": I know it's a stretch, but I was thinking that it could be a coastal desert, dried up by the Hadley cells. I only want it to be plausible, not probable
Area "B": Hot desert created by the rainshadow of the mountain ranges in the east, west and north
Area "C": Hot desert created by a large expanse of land in the Hadley cell
Area "D": Cold desert (it's okay if there is some precipitation on it, in the form of snow)
Please note: This is an earth-like planet, with the same size as earth and the same duration of days and years. However, it has almost no axial tilt, in order to maximize extreme weather and to avoid the monsoon effect
EDIT: As of July, 17th, I have redrawn my map so that areas A and C would fall more in line with 30º latitudes