In the 1960s, a mad scientist performed experiments in a secret government program to discover the key to human intelligence. He ran these experiments in a controlled environment using living sharks of various species. Unfortunately he overestimated the safety protocols and his arrogance came back to bite him (literally). The experiments made the sharks far more intelligent and deadly, giving them an awareness bordering on sentience. It also gave them a particular hatred for humans. An accident engineered by the sharks allowed them to escape into the wild and breed.
These sharks have the same capabilities of regular sharks, but are faster, stronger, and smarter. They have a high IQ of 130, making them smarter than 95% of the shark population, and have developed problem solving and logical reasoning skills. They have a bite force of 3.1 tons and can reach speeds of 60 mph. Over time, they became more numerous than regular sharks, who they actively hunt to extinction to eliminate conpetition. These smart sharks are also far more aggressive, and like to eat and hunt humans for sport.
Marine ecosystems are essential for the overall health of both marine and terrestrial environments. How would these genetically engineered sharks affect the balance? And can humans ever be safe in the water with these sharks out there?