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Questions tagged [telepathy]

This tag should be used for questions about communications between two or more individuals that are using only their minds as a mean to transmit information.

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7 votes
7 answers

Would it be possible to create a telepathic field with electromagnetism?

Recently, I am becoming interested into solarpunk, and naturally I started trying to figure out some ways to create an original setting. Among other concepts and ideas, it came to me that it wolud be ...
Rick Heart's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Anatomically Correct Telepath [closed]

I know that in the real world there is nothing similar to telepathy, so there is very little to compare with. That being said, how can a telepathic being be anatomically designed to allow for ...
Wyvern123's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

How could telepathic interrogations be legally justified?

The idea is the FBI using telepaths to interrogate suspects. The story would follow one such telepathic interrogator. In police training I was always told to think like the defense, so I thought up a ...
tomarrigoni's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

How can telepathic communication work across different time periods?

Gods inhabit a realm parallel to the mortal plane known as the warp. These beings are effectively made up of warp energy condensed into solidified form. They can enter the mortal plane through an ...
Incognito's user avatar
  • 38.5k
7 votes
7 answers

Is it plausible to extrapolate from today's neurology and scanning to a device that could read a stranger's thoughts?

I'm intrigued by (and want to write a story on) the social implications of research in neurology that is improving our understanding of the brain. I've seen studies that have done everything from ...
socialsciencefictionwriter's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Activities/tasks that would benefit from mind melding

Sort of like how in Pacific Rim, the giant mecha are piloted by two individuals with a temporary telepathic link in order to share the mental load. This is something that one person alone cannot do (...
carlireul's user avatar
7 votes
9 answers

Is there any way that a creature could "telepathically" communicate with other members of its own species? [duplicate]

The question basically explains it all: I'm looking for the possibility and the means by which a creature can communicate with other members of its species with "telepathy". I'm not looking ...
user avatar
3 votes
8 answers

How do you beat an opponent that can read your moves? [duplicate]

How do you beat an opponent in a fight, who can read your mind and therefore knows what you're going to do before you do it? For example, in the video game Metal Gear Solid, an opponent called Psycho ...
Touchdown's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How can a hive mind society controlled by an alien destroy human civilization?

I want to create a story where an alien had the power to telepathcally control the collective choices of human society (example controling how we feel about certain events , morals and political ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Possibility of Using Quantum Teleportation Technology To Give People Telepathy

After reading about physicists achieving 'teleportation'of subatomic particles using quantum teleportation. It made me consider having a story where a technology advanced, futuristic society using ...
user avatar
13 votes
12 answers

How can an omniscient being have limited awareness? [closed]

The Shy Guy is a humanoid organism that is unique due to its attributes. It is an extremely timid creature that dislikes others seeing its face. Whenever another being sees its face through direct or ...
Incognito's user avatar
  • 38.5k
2 votes
4 answers

Can a mind-reader “peer” into the databanks of a robot? [closed]

In my world, an alien species went to visit a medieval fantasy world with the intention of colonizing it. They sent out a scout robot that can look and act like a human. His mission is just to get ...
In the name of the story's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Silent Planet: Effects of Natural Psionic Evolution on Communication Tech?

“Imagine that. A planet teeming with life, entwined with one another with mere thought and nothing more. A silent harmony, a quiet world.” Context Through some still unknown science, and on this ...
Millennium's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can telepathy work on a person in past [closed]

Is it possible to communicate with a person in past using telepathy? Or telepathy is a space time bound communication?
rajesh_Gujjuka's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Communication Across Planes of Existence [closed]

In a system where there are multiple planes of existence (the center one being ours), I want my human (mostly - not important for this though) main characters to interact with forces from the other ...
Tasch's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

What is the use of a Telepath when a machine can record our thoughts?

I am writing a detective story where one of the detectives can read people's minds; however, as this cannot be used in court they need a machine that can a) record and visualize an individual's ...
Sirph's user avatar
  • 183
-1 votes
1 answer

What's the name for the genre focusing on 70s & 80s tech-based sci-fi fantasy? [closed]

tl;dr - What does one call the genre space occupied by the 70s-80s tech of the Dharma Initiative (Lost) / Massive Dynamic (Fringe) / Hawkins National Laboratory (Stranger Things)? When looking for ...
DotCounter's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How viable would it be for all women to be telepathic? [closed]

Supposing that telepathy is possible in the first place, how possible would it be for our current world to exist given that all women are telepathic, and men don't know this. How would this societal ...
Brondahl's user avatar
  • 124
8 votes
5 answers

Ways to spot non-sentient, non-conscious, telepathic shapeshifters [closed]

In my world, there is a race of shapeshifting creatures, capable of convincingly looking like normal humans in order to lure them and prey upon them. These creatures, however, are non-sentient and non-...
Inquisitive Geek's user avatar
11 votes
9 answers

Why would telepaths have difficulty communicating with each other? [closed]

Humans in this world are born with the ability to communicate telepathically. The range and skill grows with age and practice, with adults being able to communicate between 5 - 7 ft. An individual can ...
Incognito's user avatar
  • 38.5k
6 votes
3 answers

How to exploit a slight but definite precognitive ability?

In an interesting question here, @Masclins asks how two twins who can each experience and perceive everything the other is sensing or thinking might be able to exploit their ability. I want to ask a ...
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4 votes
3 answers

Biological touch based high bandwidth communication

My alien race is supposed to have the ability to communicate a lot of information extremely fast, more akin to uploading something to your partner's mind than telling him. This should happen via ...
TheDyingOfLight's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

Is that possible to make a world in which no one needs to speak? [closed]

In my ideal world, everyone will be very very Intelligent. By that I mean everyone can think and feel what other people around them think and feel, so no one needs to talk with each other. Everyone ...
earthling's user avatar
22 votes
18 answers

How can I prevent an oracle who can see into the past from knowing everything that has happened?

Our study of human history has numerous problems. 99% of history isn’t recorded. Writing has been around only for 5 thousand years, and much of what we know comes from archaeological evidence. ...
Incognito's user avatar
  • 38.5k
23 votes
8 answers

What could cause an entire planet of humans to become aphasic?

I'm working on a story in which there is some sort of planetary erosion of language. Humans lose the ability to communicate verbally (orally and written). They can remember having language, can even ...
Sarah Fitzsimmons's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Advanced psionic system and psionic grenades

So I'm creating a world in which an advanced psionic system exists. On a distant planet there was an AI rebellion resulting in the death of 95% of the planet's population and the remaining survivors ...
Stormtrooper's user avatar
5 votes
12 answers

How would 'Normal' people stop/confound/hinder my telepaths?

The telepaths can read the minds of anyone with less Teep power than they have. I.E. Weak Telepaths can have their minds read by stronger ones, and every telepath can read a 'normal' mind. The ...
user avatar
24 votes
36 answers

Why would a telepathic species use spoken language? [duplicate]

I'm currently designing an advanced alien civilization that has achieved telepathy. The idea is that each one of their species has a small device merged with their brain that can allow them to ...
0 votes
5 answers

What can go wrong if everyone's pleasure and suffering was intertwined? [closed]

Context We're approaching the technological capability to build digital interfaces to the brain. A future government body introducing a new mandate that leverages these devices to somehow guarantees ...
reubenjohn's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How would an alien telepathic race attempt to communicate with Earth on first contact? [closed]

I have been asked to clarify "effective". "I have an alien contact concept running where they are telepathic. Right now I have imagery being sent mind to mind, but the only thing I can think of is ...
JJ White's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

“Realistic” telepathy [closed]

In my WIP series, there’s a symbol that causes the atoms composing your body to basically teleport in a loop, the result being that your mind can extend outside your body wherever/whenever you will it ...
Mitch Blatt's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Will a language built on organized synesthesia be viable for noumena conveyance through empathic telepathy? [closed]

Language in the most primal sense of the word, is a convention for communication between separate entities. Humans have the most developed languages. We have dialects and jargons too many to count, ...
Kyle Zabala's user avatar
  • 1,021
1 vote
1 answer

A world with (some) telepaths [closed]

Could a telepath make another (non-telepathic person) appear to have telepathy? It would seem to require the telepath to not only read someone's thoughts, but also WRITE thoughts to a person as well. ...
Jiminion's user avatar
  • 213
3 votes
2 answers

Telepathic society implications on literature and verbal types of communication [closed]

I am reading Asimov's Foundation, in his books he describes a mentalist society where individuals using their brains in order to read others' minds and feelings, and to communicate with each other. ...
Marom's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Would a society of empaths have names?

My world has a society of mages that can only communicate through empathy. They communicate by reading and projecting the "internal voice", effectively deriving their information from telepathic ...
Raven's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Are there any planets that are similar to Earth but with high amounts of metal discovered yet? [closed]

I have a species that I am currently creating that uses telepathy. They would need high amounts of metal in their habitat to be able to communicate the way they do. Humans would also need to visit ...
Madison's user avatar
15 votes
27 answers

Why would a psychic subspecies of humanity choose not to communicate telepathically? [duplicate]

Human beings have the ability to communicate with their minds. This form of telepathy is quick and efficient, relying on concepts and ideas rather than words. A person can mindlink with others in ...
user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What would a society of mind-readers look like? [closed]

It's the year 2XXX. A small island nation isolated from the rest of the world has developed technology, evolved, or genetically engineered theirselves to be capable of telepathy. The only problem is ...
rodentry's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

What would an organ linking the nervous systems of two people look like?

Image people with roughly the same brain and nervous system layout as a human as a first approximation using the same kinds of cells and chemicals, etc. But, these people have organs that can ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 11.5k
2 votes
2 answers

Would ultrasonic nasal communication work? (*De facto* telepathy.)

Lots of animals, e.g. dogs, can hear sounds beyond the frequencies that humans can hear. Would it be realistic to have a basically humanoid species which had two sets of vocal cords - one similar to ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 11.5k
13 votes
13 answers

Telepath wants to steal money morally [closed]

Let's say we have a simple Telepath (mind control and reading). This Telepath is not interested in being a superhero. He doesn't want to mess around with stopping criminals and stuff because he has a ...
Megalonychidae's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What are possible ways to hack a telepathic transmission or communication? [closed]

According to this dictionary, Telepathy means a way of communicating thoughts directly from one person's mind to another person's mind without using words or signals If we consider this definition ...
Karan Desai's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How would telepathy work without a common language?

An ethereal, higher dimensional entity assumed human form and came to present-day Earth for a visit; this entity could not speak human languages nor possessed any sort of universal translator. It ...
user6760's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is magnetic telepathy possible?

So I have a story about humans far off in the future on a different planet that have evolved to be more in tune with electromagnetism and magnetism. Their technology mostly works because of magnetism. ...
X_Wera's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

How to kill a telepathic, defended Person

In my little world, the country is run by oppressive dictator-government (Not Post-Brexit!) Even rebellious thoughts are a crime punishable by death (It follows the Morpokian view that the punishment ...
Dan Brown's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

Exploit telepathy between twins

Let me introduce myself. I have a twin. We are around our 30's. Even though we are pretty similar (and it's rather obvious we are twins) we are easily distinguishable if you pay enough attention. The ...
Masclins's user avatar
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12 votes
15 answers

Could a warlord with access to telepathy take over the world?

In Katy Towells Short story, The Winterlord, a warlord is able to take over the whole world. He is apparently able to do this because he has a telepath on his side. She is able to predict with 100% ...
TrEs-2b's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to lie telepathically?

In a world where people can feel each other's thoughts and emotions, is it possible to lie? Is it possible to think something different from what you really think? It doesn't make sense... When you ...
Aric's user avatar
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9 votes
8 answers

Scientifically-plausible alien telepathy

A caveat I will begin this question with is this: this system MUST be entirely organic. In fact it must be EVOLVED. Therefore Ghost in the Shell or Metal Gear-style nanocomms or cranial implants are a ...
Z.Schroeder's user avatar
  • 11.3k
1 vote
3 answers

What do I call this type of Telepathy? [closed]

I am writing a book with my friends that has telepathy as a main element. What would you call someone who only has the ability to read the thoughts that others are thinking at that time? Thus, ...
Danny Dark's user avatar