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7 votes
2 answers

How would a civilization similar to earth develop if there were no stars at night?

Stars and constellations have been for many civilizations,sources of wonder and mystery. We look at the stars so much, that we found patterns and shapes in the stars, and used them as guidance during ...
Dupontrocks11's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

A weapon to attack the Solar System

Basis We are in the universe we call our own, on the planet we call Earth, in the physics-set and known reality we assume. There is no flat-out "magic" or other things along those lines, so ...
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57 votes
22 answers

Is there a way to create a bomb to destroy a star?

I want to create a sci-fi story, and since galactic warfare is on a larger scale, nukes wouldn't do much damage (or I wouldn't think so anyway). I would like ideas about an ultimate deterrent that ...
r3y3s00's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How would the night sky appear from the inside of a star cluster?

In some star clusters, the stars are packed as densely as a light year apart or less. Many clusters do not appear to have black holes in the center, though they remain relatively stable in their ...
GreyGamin's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Can a star be so distant/isolated that its 'Earth' can't see other stars?

I'm putting together a scenario, where a "Sun" and some debris are flung so distant that 14 billion years after the big bang, it has an "Earth" (and maybe some other minor rocky/icy objects), but no ...
Mikey's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Multiple star system near Sun: better choices

I'm looking for a star system between 15 and 36 ly from Sun with these characteristics: composed by 2 or more stars one of the stars should be a late G/ K type star (it doesn't matter for the other/...
Eithne's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Could two stars of equivalent mass/size form a binary system and be different colors?

I have an idea for a planet that orbits two stars. These starsslowly orbit each other, have equivalent masses/sizes, and while one is slightly red, the other is slightly blue. When I talk about the ...
Xandar The Zenon's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Could faster-than-light supernova remnants form a star system?

Most current planets, and any inhabitants living on them, are ultimately the product of long-dead supernovas that exploded and sent matter across the universe, where it eventually got caught with ...
Padlite's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

Creating a realistic world(s) map - Stars

This Query is part of the Worldbuilding Resources Article. This question is a sort of follow-up to Samuel's previous world map question, Creating a realistic world(s) map - planetary systems. Lots ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Magnetic Celestial Bodies in Orbit

What would be the effect of large magnetic celestial bodies orbiting each other? Could a star have enough metallic content to become magnetic? What would the effect be on magnetic planets in orbit ...
Varrick's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Is it possible for a nebula to hide a solar system(s) from scientists here on Earth?

I'm working on a graphic novel that deals with this particular topic but I'm unsure if something like this can happen. Some Nebulae have a luminosity 1000s of times brighter than our sun while dark ...
Sekantsi Mokhohlane's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to exploit the energy from a red dwarf and send it to other systems?

Scenario: Earth men colonized Alpha Centauri. Barnard's Star is at range. There is a huge fleet of fission bomb pulse propulsion cargo ships. Given Enough time and space they can reach 0.8C. ...
Jorge Aldo's user avatar
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33 votes
8 answers

Do different star systems experience time differently?

Somewhat in relation to this question - What could restrain post-singularity societies from spreading across the Galaxy? I'm assuming not all star systems move at the same velocity in relation to the ...
Twelfth's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Astronomical Phenomena that cause Tidal Waves

Suppose a world suddenly is being attacked by frequent tidal waves caused by some event in space. What type of event could have caused this? Any side effects caused by the event, such as the release ...
erdekhayser's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

What kind of star should I use for my world?

If I want an Earth-like planet, what kind of star can I use to achieve that ? According to the Harvard stellar classification, our Sun is a G-class star. The best would be to have: Temperature ...
Vincent's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

What physical and social effects could two stars cause?

Suppose a planetary system works in such a way that there is a rotating planet in the direct centre of a binary star (the star system's centre of gravity, also known as barycenter), such that the two ...
absinthe's user avatar
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