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130 votes
21 answers

What would make scientists realize they were on a flat world?

Scenario: While poking around in an alien ruin, scientists discover a gateway which offers instant transportation to an Earth-like world. The Observed World: The gateway leads to an area that is ...
Liesmith's user avatar
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10 answers

What would it feel like on the surface of a planet while it collides with another planet?

Let's say that something horrible has happened and a Mars-sized planet is knocked out of orbit and is hurtling towards an Earth-sized planet. How much time will they have? How will this affect the ...
Danny Reagan's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

What would the effect be on Earth if Mars disappeared?

What would the effect on Earth be if Mars, in the space of one second, disappeared from the Solar System? Just simply was gone, leaving no residue, and leaving the space where it had been like it had ...
Mithical's user avatar
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2 answers

What would the consequences be of a high number of solar systems being within close proximity to one another?

What would the consequences be of a high number of solar systems being within close proximity to one another? I'm mainly interested in the consequences for life on multiple planets. When I say 'close ...
Sezaii's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

How would two planets with identical but perpendicular orbits affect each other?

I'm exploring this idea for a fantasy world, and I was wondering how these planets would affect each other. The system would feature orbits in all three dimensions, not relatively flat like ours is. ...
Xethaios's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

Could a moon have its own satellites visible from the planet it orbits?

Say you have a planet and the planet has a moon: could the moon have visible satellites as well? I don't mean a gas giant planet, I mean something habitable by humanoids or humans. Will the moon's ...
Aeolanyira's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Does Earth's direction of rotation affect day length?

Let's say Earth started rotation in the opposite direction without any catastrophic events, would a day on Earth be shorter or longer or just the same considering that speed of rotation and revolution ...
Michelle Brownstone's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Could a world exist with a distinct line of changing temperatures between the hemispheres?

I'm trying to create a world where there's an equator-like divide running along the axis(?) of the planet and the two hemispheres are perpetually different in terms of temperature. Basically, I want ...
Morgan's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

What would happen to a gas giant during a supernova?

Fairly straightforward question. Imagine a gas giant planet, like the size of Jupiter, in orbit around a massive star. The star goes supernova. What happens to the planet? Is the energy of the ...
Geroditus's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

I've determined how many planets my solar system could plausibly have. How do I figure out what kind of planets they are?

The 12 planets in my solar system orbit the G-type star of Nemo. It's about nine-tenths of the size of the sun, and has a stellar luminosity of 0.67 L☉, a diameter of 1.28 million kilometres, a ...
SealBoi's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Could a solar eclipse occur just after a lunar eclipse?

Would it theoretically be possible for a solar eclipse to occur within a few days or even a few hours after a total lunar eclipse? The star, moon, and planet from which the event is being observed do ...
ManWithAJawharp's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How close could a creature longer than Jupiter get to Earth without destroying it?

So basic introduction: my world has things which naturally should never exist due to seemingly violating certain laws we deem as natural, for this, let's just call them "anomalies". Among ...
ProjectApex's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the minimum size of an habitable planet to have two moons?

For the sake of the question, let's define a moon as a natural satellite at least half the size of our Moon. It needs to be spherical like our Moon, not like Phobos and Deimos on Mars. The imaginary ...
Mandelbrot's user avatar
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4 answers

What requires more destructive energy? Destroying a planet or splitting a planet in half

I just wanna ask which option requires more destructive energy? Option 1 : destroying a planet like earth to rubble (tiny pieces of rocks) Or Option 2: splitting a planet like earth in halves (2 ...
Hajhar's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Could a spacefaring people preserve the idea that their world is the center of the universe?

Cosmology since Einstein makes it clear that it's not quite right to say one body in space "revolves around" another, right? Einstein wrote: "The two sentences, 'the sun is at rest and the earth moves,...
David Berreby's user avatar
0 votes
6 answers

How could it be possible for an entire region of space to be filled with Earth like planets?

Ok, I get it, me dumb, you smart. Only smart questions allowed. In any case I'm going to leave the question unaltered in case some others might get something out of the answers. Thanks to everyone ...
Len's user avatar
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1 answer

Distance between passing planets for atmosphere exchange to occur [duplicate]

If a rogue planet (let's say about as big as the Earth) flew by the Earth, how close would it need to pass to planet Earth for atmosphere to be exchanged between the two planets?
Samwise's user avatar