Around 85% of my world is covered in water. I know that water tends to make temperatures more stable and reduce the extremes, but I don't know the details which is why I'm here.
Would such a planet have more or less storms/hurricanes? Would they be more or less powerful?
How would the monsoons be affected?
It would probably rain more than here on earth right? Would it rain so much that crops would have trouble surviving?
How would the climate change in the individual climate zones (tropical, sub-tropical, temperate, arctic)?.
Some additional information:
It's a fantasy world. Thus, should you wish to do so, I don't mind if you ignore stuff like the sea currents or mountain ranges. It doesn't need to be perfect, just good enough to fool me into thinking so.
The landmasses, while different shaped, are placed in a manner somewhat similar to earth, though my equivalents for Greenland, Antarctica and Australia are missing and there are small gaps between the N.A / S.A and between Asia / Africa.
The planet has a moon just like ours.