So, I was creating an extremely small race of (genetically and technologically modified) beings for a world I'm building, but the issue was that their bodies were too small to house an acceptable brain. I thought about a hyper-efficiently structured brain, then decided against it. I looked into having an extremely small body and an extremely large head but realized that for the amount of movement I intended for them it would be a bad idea. I considered doing both to a lesser extent, which I've decided to do, but I feel as though it is not enough. Based on the findings from another question,
I found that the species, being about 11 inches or maybe a foot tall would probably not be large enough to have the mental aptitude I'm looking for, (an iq of 90 or above) so I began looking at other options. My first thought is a kind of mental enhancer used for storing cognitive processing and memories in an "external brain." The MAE (Mental Aptitude Enhancer) would be connected at the temples and be grafted into the brain. The MAE cannot be easily broken, either. Could this work?
To summarize, I want to know whether or not I can enhance the brain's functions of an 11 or 12 inch tall humanoid using a technological implant to store memories and enhance cognitive functions would work or if I need any changes to make it work. There are many symbiotic species to the race that could create the MAE, so I'm not worried about the means to create it, and technically the species can survive without the MAE, they'd just be reduced to more simplified actions, such as eating, drinking, walking, breathing, and blinking.