I've been working on an alien race for a while, and the look of them have changed a lot In the design process, but right now, I've stuck with metallic lifeforms.. essentially living machines, made possible by the strange elements and chemicals of their home world.
As another idea for these lifeforms, their form of technology is made from extremely modified carbon lifeforms, biologically similar to us! its' like.. if your computer was made from skin and organs and bones, y'know?? the idea is for the aliens to be completely inhuman, (as they should be,) and to look nothing like us, act nothing like us, yet have similar emotions and social lives, have similar political problems, they're even on the brink of extinction because of "manmade" climate change!
so, the questions..
what would these metallic lifeforms need for sustenance?
and from there, how would social traditions form? you know, how us humans have family dinners every night, would these lifeforms do weekly hardware checks together or something?
I'm thinking they'd have things like engines, computers for sensory input and higher thought, and interchangeable limbs or bodies! most prefer "form over function" looks, and might change throughout the day depending on what jobs they do! like how we change clothes for work, or social gatherings, or sleeping!