TL;DR Build a planet big space ship, move stuff with gravity of that ship, using star energy for propulsion solar sail like. Or by pressing on the planet.
As reasons to move planet are not given, so are not defined approaches to do so. So I will pick few of possible solutions. Also it have to be noted, CII may have better ways to deal with that particular subject, if let's say eLISA will lead to deeper understanding of gravity and CII may be able to manipulate that gravity which will make moving planets piece of cake, and alter all I have wrote.
So my suggestion is rather like how our today civilization with CII energy capability's may deal with that. And I ensure you, gap by energy isn't such big deal actually(It's way much closer as usually people thinks), but difference how to use it may be like steam arithmometer vs Top500. I feel like I can trow stones to Kardashev scale all nights.
Today knowledge, Sun energy
Sun energy is a lot, but not too much actually
Few numbers to represent it as kinetic energy, velocity mass, 1k=1000, 1kk=1'000'000 etc, relativistic kinetic energy
$E_\text{k} = m \gamma c^2 - m c^2 = \frac{m c^2}{\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}} - m c^2$
- 1c, just energy mass conversion: 4.3kk tonne
- 0.99c, 0.7kk t
- 0.95c, 1.93kk t
- 0.90c, 3.29kk t
- 0.80c, 6.38kk t
- 0.50c, 27.5kk t
- 0.30c, 88.1kk t
- 0.10c, 833kk t
Not proud to write numbers, mostly for my personal reference, but as u may see from 0.9 and above u transport more energy than mass, and mass is just carrier for that energy.
Even if we may send everything we have at the moment, in 5-10 minutes with resulting speed 0.1c, but compared to the planet, everything we have isn't so much.
There comes difference, as result what we wish to accomplish, for which purpose we do it, etc. We are not equal interested in all 100+ elements we know, and from civilization stand point of view, importance may differ from value, we can't eat gold, but we happy to eat carbon based stuff, and as technology develops, no one can guarantee that technology valuable properties of gold will be so much important as it is now - it's subject of changes, but until we stay carbon based live, carbon will be important.
Also, carbon-based technology, wonderful (atm) strength of CNT may be very important for future tech, specially for moving planet's projects.
Option 1, take what you need, planets disassemble
When it comes to specific elements, then definitely there is a reason to mess with whole planet, not necessary do that but if civilization do not have tech to fuse elements easily(this is rather knowledge challenge then energy challenge) it may have sense. But we have force, me not thinks, me dissemble planet, hugh hugh, rrr - besides it's fun, why not.
Disassembly may be done in different ways evaporating by focusing light-energy on surface of planet (some one suggested moving planet that way, man think again ISP will not help here, just imagine what it means for a planet, just magma ball, not a planet)
It may be more gently dissemble, which is more energy efficient and more control over stuff, less mess and less after work.
But evaporating is the easy way to estimate max energy we need for the process.
Disassemble Venus will take:
mass_kg*E(escape velocity, 1kg)/Power(sun, 1sec)/Seconds_in_year
(4.867*10^24 * 10360^2/2)/(3.828*10^26)/(365*24*3600) == 0.022 years or 8 days
This is rough estimation, which isn't counting escape velocity changes because of planet mass loss, but it also not counts efficiency of process, which is less then 100% because loosing energy by heated plasma trough electromagnetic waves emission. But overall I'm ok with that number.
Same for Jupiter
(1.8986*10^27 * 59500^2/2)/(3.828*10^26)/(24*3600) = 101613 days or 278 years.
I'm practically ok with that number, but I think 2000 min of my time worth to improve efficiency of process at least for 1% be more efficient, even humanity may think one year or two about that situation, before to begin some movements in that direction.
Sure, we have to recuperate our energy, probably we do not need that hydrogen cloud flying around, if we need hydrogen we may scoop it in any place in universe. So probably we will make 3 piles for hydrogen, one pile for He, and small moons with elements, one moon for each.
As we already sorted the Venus, so I expect 0.2-0.5% by mass carbon stuff with 100GPa strength to operate, which will be useful to deal with decomposition of gas giants. ref 1, 2
I'll take optimistic number 0.2% - it means 1e22 kg CNT, not bad it's already 1/7 of moon mass, so we may already start to move earth, but thinking spares time in that planet moving business. So we will use that material to cook Jupiter first.
3 Pile H and 1 Pile He, each is 1/4 of Jupiter mass, each will have radius something like 44-50k km and escape velocity 38 km/s and having Jupiter in 4 such piles - when recuperating energy, will save us 40000 days. Not bad not bad. (you may wish to play with escape velocities here
I could be satisfied, not each day you may save 100+ years of work for entry civilization, sure they could figure that for them selfs, but, u know ...
I'm not satisfied with that 60000 days of decomposition, not only because it's long in time, but because of slow start of such process, before we may start to recuperate reasonable amount of energy from placing mass in a pile, first pile will be ready in something like 10k days , and at that time we will recuperate much less then 40%, and we actually do not get something useful from that mass, it's still just big pile which we actually do not need.
We need max 1% or less of that gas giant, so max number of days which looks good is 1000 days or less, for first giant, for CI tech, but bad part is most interesting stuff is in core, and to access core we have scoop out most of GG.
Gas Giant or reason to move planets
- Man said - before selling something unuseful, u have to buy something unuseful.
And we already have that unuseful, deal of the life, 99% of Gas Giant we do not need, and we may exchange it for what we need in star
As a body orbiting around star, planet, or gas giant already have all energy we need for such exchange.
But we as just CI civilization with a big hammer, we may need energy from the star as a catalyst for that process and compensate our losses etc. Efficiency is one limiting factor, so 90% efficiency means 10 times faster disassembly.
So exchange GG mass, for something useful from star is one of the reasons to move or change something in planet orbit.
Note about Venus scrap, snake elephant
probably most important part of that answer
I expect, and I have reasons for that(humanity lazy and smart is at least one of them), Venus scraping has been done more gently, and we have products as result, not a big cloud of materials.
After successful scraping Venus we have 1e22kg CNT, and I have to explain what I consider as my knowledge about what that actually means, and probably that is the only reason, why I write that answer.
You probably have seen that Tesla snake funny elephant manipulator, and if you search youtube for more, you will find more, maybe not best search keyword but still, elephant manipulator
And as one interesting, and most importantly, simple design, I will point that video: Robotic arm inspired by the Elephant trunk, time 4:08
What is good about the design its simple, device made of same or similar parts - simple to produce, efficient to scale its production etc.
There are other interesting use of properties of CNT this, this
this here Carbon Nanotube Muscle #2, the material itself is not important, important is the ability to make strings from it and their conductivity and strength.
Both of that principles combined(and they are not all possibilities, we already know), allows us to make 100GPa strong, very flexible manipulators.
And as CNT are very thin by their nature, such manipulators may be very thin too, and strong, and they may form more ticker manipulators.
So imagine that tesla snake but made from at least 500 times stronger material(I bet that tesla snake is weaker then 200MPa, which is the strength of ordinary steel cable), and definitely more flexible.
So imagine one unit same thickness as tesla snake but longer, 100-200 meters long, each equipment with some processor, some swarm algorithms, some sensors over surface: light pressure temperature etc - everything we may need for that unit is made from one material (maybe with some little additions of other materials, not as parts but as additive to change some properties of CNT's in desired way - but mostly 99.9% it's just carbon). And it is assembled from thin actuators.
So that one unit, which we may control by programs, with strength like space lift cable, may change shape, bend as we need, react as we need, be thick as we need (from microns to how much you have), works from 0K to up 2300K temperature, is very precise in form making-changing, is dynamic in form-shape, stiffness.
If you understand that moment, you will never wonder about howto make big constructions in space, huge ships, big thermonuclear reactors, your cubic worlds, many things considered like handwavium stuff, may be done from or with that.
If you go deeper you will not wounder about speed, anything under 1c is not a problem for you. It's not nanobots trough, it's better, stronger, it will pass any reality-check, it's real.
There are downsides too, you will begin to wonder how things may break at all, why they do not change shape, why they just make just one thing all the time, why you cant just upgrade thing like phone today, oh wait why I have to buy new phone why not just take small piece from that big chunk which plays jet at the moment and convert it to phone, who needs space suites, why people think gauss gun of any kind is wunderwaffe, why someone have to resupply something, why someone can't gather another 10kkk people and fly to some star on vacation, or make honey moon in center of our galaxy and return back 100k years later, why all will live on planets instead of comfortable space habitats made from smart material, why someone thinks pressure 1000bar is too big, why slicing 100-1000km asteroid in dust is too hard.
Planet stuff is most annoying from them all.
True limitation will be energy, and law of physics, there will stay things you can't do, taking core just away from gas giant is probably one of them, also taking core from earth size planets one of them too(but you may take stuff from 2000-3000 km deep), moon size object core will be not a problem, moon can be mined just as it is. Slicing earth size planets is not a problem, by removing upper layers - layer by layer.
Tool, Space swiss knife
Main valuable resource, from decomposition of Venus, is 1e22kg of active meta-material, actually it is our tool, which have to help us exchange 99% of mass Jupiter to stuff from star to make even bigger tool.
Tool consists of parts with different sizes and ticklishness, typical muscle let's say 1km long, square 10x10cm (I'm lazy mess with Pi, or any complex form), density 1 t/m3, strength 50 GPa, they may stick together with good seal and slide like linear motor, be reprogrammed to other form with accuracy 0.1mkm
They may store energy 10MJ/kg at least, as mechanical energy like spring, and release it like capacitor(fast if needed, mechanically or by generating electricity), with approximately 0 storage discharge.
They may store and convert electricity to kinetic energy and back.
They may conduct electricity, they may regulate temperature like peltier modules probably close to theoretical value.
I assume 100% efficiency, but even if it is 50% this is not a problem, but I expect it to be 90% and above, like high power electric motors efficiency.
1e22kg it will be 1e19 of TMU (typical muscle unit), it is also 1e19 km long cable 10x10cm, which is 66,666,666,666.7 a.u. long cable, or 11.5x11.5km cable with 5 a.u. length.
and all that mass orbiting on orbit of Venus with rest of Venus scrap, which is 99.8% of previous Venus by mass, which may be used as reactive mass for that tool, with wide range of ISP values actually, this linear motor sliding of TMU is quite handy.
Current form is probably ring-toroid(venus like orbit or close to that), to keep tool less dense, and to avoid need to wait 8days of star work to unfold it(with all that 99.8 not so much useful stuff) to something useful. But tool alone may be moon size(which is 7 times more we have atm) at least, and unfold pretty fast, something up to mars sizes is ok for dense and compact storage(everything with less then 3.3km/s escape velocity, which is around limit of static energy storage capability, is ok for tool, but it could be much bigger then that with other types of folding it). We could exchange venus scrap first, but we do not have to, and we rather will have metal elements(everything above He), then loose them, because they may be used for transmutations by neutron capture(forgot process name, something like Nuclear transmutation), it's specially useful if you have star as neutron source and ability to efficiently expose material to it, some isotopes of ordinary materials like Fe as example, are more valuable then other isotopes of same material, also it can be used as passive protection layer preventing degrade our Carbon based material, specially if we wish to dip some parts of our tool in to star inner, and bunch of other reasons).
With 10MJ/kg storage capacity we may store 260 sec of star energy, not bad, but it may store way much more than that (as kinetic energy).
Because tool consists of elements, which may slide against each other(let say 1m/s, not top speed but reasonable speed of sliding), flex on command, we may separate them inside in 2 rings, two sets of MTU.
Energy stored in Venus motion is 90 days of Sun work.
Gravitational potential is:
$U = -G \frac{m_1 M_2}{r}\ + K$
Difference of potential energy between Venus orbit and Earth orbit, will be:
1.98855*10^30 * 6.68408*10^-11 / (108*10^9) - 1.98855*10^30 * 6.68408*10^-11 / (150*10^9) = 344597744.4 J/kg
To move Venus to a different orbit, Sun has to work with 100% efficiency :
- to Earth orbit, 1 a.u. - 51 days
- to Jupiter orbit, 5 a.u. - 155 days
- to fly away - 181 days
To move Jupiter:
- to Saturn, 10 a.u. - 4693 days
with proper tool we could form binary system of them, and refine at least one body pretty fast, saving some years. Or refine them both in 3th body. But we have to have tool for moving GG first, but with such tool we could refine them in place.
- fly away, 9779 days
- to Venus orbit, get energy 60847 days of sun work, although we can't do it now, but that's interesting number, ~150y of star energy, possible number for moving hot GG to more distant orbits.
![Sun energy work days to change venus orbit](
Just as notes:
We can change inclination, by splitting ring again in orbit plane, if we have to
Venus inclination is 3.39 deg, Jupiter 1.3 deg, Saturn 2.49 deg
and because 99.8 percent of Venus is just scrap, which we use as we need without much care about, we may make small moon perpendicular to ecliptic - I notice that just for ease of understanding, we do not have to loose any reactive mass in that case, we need just energy, and compared to other task it's rather small. But yes, we have to respect momentum and impulse conservation.
Friction between rings or any other energy loss isn't big issue, surface area of tool is pretty big, and if it stacked such way as just disc, it may dissipate 100% of sun energy at temperature 900K, which is 627 °C. And this is without other 99.8 mass venus available to use as parts of heat dissipation system.
Actual friction and energy loss is on level of good air bearing or better(which they actually may be, but this isn't only option). For those who isn't familiar with air bearings u may have to look at this and this as examples
As we have 2 rings rotating in opposite directions, in earth orbit it will be 60km/s difference (30 in one direction, 30 in another direction), as we set TMU slide speed to 1m/s (to be suitable for different approaches and implementations) it means 60000 layers separation between two main rings, as TMU is 10x10cm it means that area is 6000m wide intermediate ring
I took air bearing principle because that way implementation does not depend on the internal structure of TMU and that way it is easier to refer to today's technologies, but this isn't only option.
layers could be thinner actually nothing stops us from using 1mm tick layers, or 0.1mm tick layers, this is more question how strong we wish them to be, and how much sliding force we wish to have.
There is no centrifugal stress from rotating rings, they orbiting, but just close together, so zero force for them. There is no difference (practically) in which rotation direction to orbit, just in case.
only part which is not orbiting properly are separation layers, but forces are small, 6km wide separation layer (if assume it not rotates at all) on venus orbit will press on inner ring with pressure 6800 Pa, on earth orbit 3500 Pa, so actual pressure between layers will be less then 1Pa typically.
with 1,5,10,20 a.u. ring radius, we still may make enormous amount of layers, if with TMU(10x10cm 1km long) we have 66'666'666'666 a.u. cable to play with. As TMU consists from less smaller strands, we may split it in smaller units or build bigger units from them - so it's just typical unit we operate at the moment.
gravitational influence from other bodies, may be compensated by playing with layers, and counterweight strands. Also this is one of the ways to tune star system, and affect orbits of all bodies in system at once.
it may be a way to convert potentially unstable (for billion years) system to stable one. Way to move planets actually. But long way, not efficient.
I do not talk about micrometeorites, asteroids etc - you may guess, not a problem (just collect them , omnomnom)
We may have an elliptic ring, changing orbital velocity along orbit is not a problem with sliding strands. We may convert circular ring to elliptic, at least several ways to do so. One by splitting rings.
Rings arranged something like that, black are rings:
![Jupiter Sun exchange, ring configuration](
GG scrap, lift setup
To scrape Jupiter for 10years or less - we have to have mass transfer something around 60'185'185'185'185'185'185 kg/sec or 60kkkkk ton/sec
Elliptical orbit of ring on Jupiter to Venus orbit, have period something around 5 years, so first year or two we will be kinda limited to Sun power, which allows us to lift 2.16e+17 kg/sec or 216kkkk ton/sec
to scrap Jupiter in 10 years, we have to lift 6e+19 kg/sec
Orbit velocity at Jupiter orbit is 13 km/s, orbit period is 11.9y
would be GG on earth orbit, it would make operation easier
Sphere from TMU, one layer tick (10cm), approximately 318km radius under 1 bar pressure Hydrogen+, will be 12'170'840'439'815'458 kg of Hydrogen mix, or 1.2e16 kg. TMU mass will be 1% of Hydrogen mass. I will refer that sphere as Spoon Unit (SU)
10y scrape plan means approximately 500 Spoon Units per second to lift
some gravitational effects are omitted because they can be compensated, and it's not only one way to do the job.
originally I wished another approach to describe, but this looks simple to explain.
challenge is big, and the tool is too small, so 10y plan have to be smarter then I describe.
Plan is simple, we will make a balloon from Jupiter. 1e22 kg TMU is enough to cover entry Jupiter with 23.5 km tick layer, at his 1bar level, it will squeeze Jupiter up to 2347 bar pressure inside that balloon, just by gravity force. With using 99.8 percent of Venus aka dead scrap this pressure could be higher up to 500 times and probably more. We do not apply force by tool, it's just gravity of Jupiter, and our limit is structural strength of TMU, which is around 50GPa or 500'000 bar.
I'm ok with 1bar pressure near TMU shell, so we need 10m tick layer or 100 layers of TMU, this will be a not perfect sphere, but we ok with that because of the flexibility of our shell and mobility of our TMU units so we may dynamically compensate what we have to compensate.
For that shell, we have to allocate approximately 1/2300 of our tool, by mass.
The shell may be formed in different ways, hm that's stupid but like that, I wished guys did that better than that, but... it illustrates.
After we formed shell over-around Jupiter (it will not fall it's just replacement layer for what was there before(part of atmosphere)) we have 1 bar pressure inside one side shell, and 10m over on other side of shell, we have vacuum. We do not apply force, we just chill on hydrogen couch.
On vacuum side, over that side we may wish to form 2 rings, same 3 layer structure, plane of this set have to be same as plane of main ring, and they will stiffer our balloon, pre-stretch let say equator region, to allow us to lift SU units to vacuum side (E=mgh style). and to accelerate SU units to orbital velocity, same principle as Launch loop but instead single rotor there is 2 rings and intermediate layer.
1 SU with Hydrogen, near hull, will weight 1.2e16*23.12=2.8e17 N, and to be able to withstand that force cable should be approximately square 2.5x2.5 km (everything could be done inside the hull itself, by forming same structures or proper equivalent of them, it can be done in different ways)
We open hole in the shell, pressure blows our SU up, like glass blowing process, the bubble moves away and we begin blow next - continuous process.
3layer ring system which accelerates bubbles one ring in one direction, another in opposite direction.
layers have to be pretty big, to be strong enough to to be able accelerate pretty massive SU, but we may do that with smaller SU's if we have to.
from 1% of 1e22kg active mass with resulting volume of 1e17m3 we may make 15x15km ring with radius 75000km, we also may wish to add all(or significant part of it) venus scrap to act like rotor in launch loop, we need just inertia mass to distribute stress over ring.
Accelerating SU at 1m/s2 is pretty reasonable value. So at max productivity there will be 500*59000 SU units, the mass of active material used for that will be 35% of our tool.
- 35% of TMU's for accelerate process
- 5% for Acceleration rings and reinforcement rings
- 50% of scrap for rotors for acceleration rings, and for rotors of reinforcement of shell.
- 0.05% for shell around Jupiter
I reconsidered approach slightly, will be below, but I leave this part as it is, as possible use case
After acceleration to orbiting velocity's, we attach SU to ring on close to Jupiter orbit. There will be different proportion in both directions, because of 13km/s Jupiter orbital speed, and we may wish to keep the momentum of the ring.
Refine Jupiter mix, problem
Intensive disassembly of Jupiter is actually challenge, there is set of problems: tool is too small, some processes still needs years to accomplish like cooling SU's, separate mix in to components, transfer closer to sun. Although some problems may be solved, I wish more general overview of the process, without going deep details of possible solutions.
To imagine what intensity of process is that 10y plan, we have numbers to tell us that.
To make something near 10y plan, we really have to blast Jupiter, just nonstop blasting. Sending 500SU/sec, with content mass 1.2e16kg each, means each 1m2 of 75000km radius sphere, should have flow with velocity 970 m/s at 1 bar pressure. SUvolume*500/Jupiter_surface(75000km radius) = (320000^3*4/3*3.14*500 / (75000000^2*4*3.14)).
As we have regions where SU are forming it means compression(just adding more mass over shell top in that region) will make pressure and density more and thus flow speed less.
Probably we have to use entry equator region to fill SU, and this region will be our acceleration ring, which we will divide to SU's later. So it kinda shell flows to equator and accelerates perpendicular to flow, so on equator we have most energy it needs - everything is preloaded with venus scrap. Pretty much is happening there in that process, but I ran out of space to describe.
- we do not have to stress entry jupiter, it's enough just to bend equatorial part to desired pressure (any pressing we do by just placing more weight in that place. That ring starts somewhere 300km deep under surface, Scale height 27 km, pressure 70000bar)
![jupiter acceleration rings](
Growing Active Material is critical for the whole process. Each SU content contains 0.3% of CH4 by volume or 2.4% by mass, and SU itself weights 1% of that content. So when we manage to separate CH4 from that mix, we may make 2.4 new SU for each SU we send down to venus orbit.
Extraction should be done directly from Atmosphere of Jupiter by shell AM. We have to extract building material until we close cycle, and SU will begin to return back for reuse. After that it can be done anywhere underway.
That way we may have a continuous growing flow of SU up our max needs.
1st priority to grow tool first. Separating CH4 may be done in many ways but over all just usual gas separation, but on large scale with AM. Good about that, more we get, faster we get next portions and we have more than enough AM for such task.
I'll not describe mass exchange in details because the topic is bigger then I have already written.
- local magnetic fields in sun spots are 0.3Tesla(probably not extreme case but above average field which is 1/10000 T, twice of earths), we do 2T with current approaches, and we definitely can do more with stronger materials.
- there are some suggestion for probes and support-stabilizing strucures for thermonuclear reactors which are inside that reactor surrounding by plasma, they are protected by their own magnetic field. Same way we may protect parts of our tool inside sun.
- as we transport mass from Jupiter, we have disproportion of momentum in tool(because of jupiter's momentum), mass exchange with sun is way to compensate and move that proportion to desired equilibrium.
- Sun scooping may be done with same 3layer ring system
- Because surface area grows like x^2 and volume like x^3, bigger part is, longer it may stay in hot area. Despite passive materials, with moving strands inside part, we may do much better and faster heat distribution in part, also we have plenty of Jupiter scrap to use too, as protection gaseous layers, if we have to.
Probably we cant dip to deep. Density of suns photosphere is 0.0002kg/m3 and that's not bad actually, pressure is also not very high Sun.
Energy flow in photosphere is 68MJ/sec/m2, but with AM we may have entry ring inside photosphere, and separate heavy isotopes just directly there. (sure with some cooling setup outside sun, connected to that ring)
I hope, at least partially, I have answered OP's Q, even if I skipped some details, because of A size limitations.
The whole concept heavily uses Centrifugal force direct or indirect(like orbiting bodies them selfs) aka inertia - so you have to understand and be familiar with Orbital ring, Launch loop, Space fountain, Orbit
Playing KSP help to understand some basic principles of orbital mechanics, fly safe. There are other games with some realistic orbital mech, and that's good.
C. Clarke is genius, Gerard K. O'Neill is great.
Special tanks for Google and Internet, without your help guys, writing would be impossible.
xkcd I Do Not Laugh Anymore, Ever, Thank You Very Much C.C.