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Questions tagged [behaviour]

For questions about the actions and choices of an individual or group, but at a generic level, not a specific book character. Think nature film documentary behaviors.

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6 votes
2 answers

Predatory Behavior of a Dragon

EDIT: After reading a lot of great suggestions I've decided that these dragons will be a mix between warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals. They stalk their prey and ambush them along well traveled ...
JMark's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Mating ritual where female chases male?

Mating rituals are various behaviours, serving as a precursor to copulation in almost all animal species. In general these serve to aid the females of the species to pick out a mate. They can be ...
AngelPray's user avatar
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34 votes
9 answers

How would prolonged use of augmented-reality combat gear affect soldiers?

Consider a future soldier with access to the technological augmentation indicated below, and for whom it is reasonable to believe he would spend (while deployed) at least 18 hours a day attached to ...
JBH's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What can a great animal (Hyppogriff, Gryphon, etc.) learn from an elf? [closed]

I am in the midst of creating a fantasy subrace of winged elves. The history of the race in brief is that during a great war with the dragons, one elf riding a gryphon was struk down by a dragon. As ...
Rover Eye's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

What animal would men ride, if such animal was the same size as a horse [closed]

I'm currently trying to build a world where there is no animal that is like a horse, for example mule, or donkey, or horse. What animal could be ridden by humans if the animals were the same size as ...
Guillaume Cleenewerck's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

If Our Horses Came From the OTHER Subspecies

It has become common knowledge among mammalologists that the origins of our most iconic rides, the horse, stemmed from the tarpan, a breed of wild horse that became extinct as recently as 1909 CE. ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Very unusual approach for Alien to disarm rifle wielding human [closed]

I'm writing a plot to video game (i hope i'll learn unity and make it one day). It will be 3D Adventure from First Person Perspective. Player Character is a modern day professional hunter. He is ...
vodolaz095's user avatar
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