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How could a humanoid species with non-retractable claws strike someone with a fist/closed hand gesture?

In my story there are a species of humanoid bipeds (i.e., two arms, two legs) that have a more-or-less human arm anatomy but differ in having non-retractable claws instead of nails on all five fingers....
user2352714's user avatar
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6 votes
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What animal would men ride, if such animal was the same size as a horse [closed]

I'm currently trying to build a world where there is no animal that is like a horse, for example mule, or donkey, or horse. What animal could be ridden by humans if the animals were the same size as ...
Guillaume Cleenewerck's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

If Our Horses Came From the OTHER Subspecies

It has become common knowledge among mammalologists that the origins of our most iconic rides, the horse, stemmed from the tarpan, a breed of wild horse that became extinct as recently as 1909 CE. ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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