I've designed a magic system and im wanting to make wands for it. it has eight different types of magic: lux, pyr, hydr, aero, necrom, terra, prestia, and bizarre.
The first six are known as the hexachromal magics, each being associated with color and the magics are attracted to those with the most similar colors and repelled by those that are the most different. Pyr is orange, hydr is blue, terra is green, lux is yellow, aero is red, and necrom is purple. There are also certain metals that interact with these magics, known as magimetals. Each one is associated with a particular magic and is attract strongly to it and repelled by the complementary color, with no interaction with those in between. gold has the property of being attractive to magic up to a point and then repulsive, making magic float above it in currents that move in a similar way to electricity. other conductors can have similar effects, but to a much lesser degree, and with a much more unstable equilibrium.
Prestia and bizarre are a pair, strongly attracted to one another, but their magimetals are strongly repelled to the opposite magic and attracted to the opposite metal. The magics, in turn, are strongly repelled by each other's metals.
Magimetals all weigh 45 kilograms per cubic meter at 0 degrees Celsius, and all the hexachromic magics are 0.04 kilograms per cubic meter under the same circumstances, with prestia and bizarre being 0.07.
Spells work by making the magic vibrate at a certain frequency, which directly correlates to its temperature, and use crystalline minerals that focus corresponding magics into a certain range of frequencies or temperatures. When magics that dont correspond to a focus are sent through, their frequencies are forced further away. The lower the frequency the magic moves at, the more 'sluggish' it becomes while inactive, so if you were to decrease the frequency of magic enough, it would act almost like a liquid, and be very cold due to frequency corresponding to heat. In a way, the higher the frequency, the more magic acts like a wave in a vacuum.
would it be possible to design a wand for this magic system? if so, how would you design it and what would be its limitations in spell casting? would it be widespread? i imagine it to have a sort of trigger for releasing magic and have some way to reload and swap spells. the wand must be able to do magic with minimal reliance on the caster, be consistently reusable, and be capable of more than two spells with as little modification to the wand as possible. it doesnt matter if it can cast more than one magic type, just that it can cast more than two spells.