My planet has a day length of ~52 earth hours. This means storms like hurricaines and thunderstorms will be weaker.
How do I combat this and generate really strong storms and winds on a slow rotating planet? Or atleast storms comparable to those experienced on earth.
Other details: 2-3x earth gravity, highly accelerated plate tectonics leading to tall mountains, 2 large oceans, average global temperature is slightly lower than earth's, atmosphere is only slightly thicker, isn't super young just really active due to an abnormally hot core and unusual crust composition
Notes: This planet will not be hosting human life. I was basing my idea of storms being weaker do to the weaker coriolis effect which would cause storms to have less rotation and less energy concentration.
This means storms like hurricaines and thunderstorms will be weaker.
Do you have a ref/link that indicates weaker storms for longer days, I'm curious why would be so? 3G means 1.44 Earth R (so even if not proportionally, still larger Coriolis). Accelerated plate tectonics means younger planet (+larger) suggests a likelihood of a thicker atmosphere. Besides the "engine" of the tropical storms are ocean temperature differentials, which should be larger with a longer period of insolation (and comparative larger heat escape during a longer night, thus higher temperature differential). $\endgroup$