Within our society is a mad scientist obsessed with hybridization. His specialty is canids, and he could not get enough of the canid hybrids that had happened in the past--wolfdogs, coywolves, coydogs, jackal-dogs. But there was one element that eluded him--a once-contemporary to the modern wolf, the dire wolf.
And so, illegally, mind you, he traveled back in time to capture two dire wolves--a male and a female. Then he used the male's sperm to artificially inseminate into a female grey wolf, as well as the sperm of a male grey wolf to artificially inseminate into the female dire wolf.
The scientist in question isn't interested in the hybrid children's behaviors, growth rates or even coat colors. All he wants to know is: What would the skeletons of a hybrid between a grey wolf and a dire wolf look like?