So in the story I'm trying to write, I'm having trouble getting the gravity on my fictional to seem realistic, and I would like to know if it seems technically possible?
A group of astronauts travel through a portal in spacetime and land on a small moon with earthmoon-like gravity, but an oxygen rich atmosphere. A group of technically advanced aliens, thinking that the humans are native to the planet but aren't properly evolved to suit it, gather the astronauts and genetically mutate them so that their bodies are better adapted to the atmosphere. Over thousands of years, after the adapted humans see the aliens as a threatening force and destroy them, they are left with dense bones largely constructed from a superdense metal that is rich in the soils and minerals of the moon. (as well as stronger muscles and lungs and other minor physiological changes)
My question is this, with an environment supporting moon like (0.16 g) gravity but also a breathable atmosphere, would these newly dense humans be able to walk on the surface like every-day humans do in earth, their density simulating earth gravity, or would they simply move the same way humans already do on the moon, because weight doesn't matter in low gravity, even while in an environment with oxygen? Yes or no and why or why not?
Thanks folks!