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HopDavid's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
12 votes

Could a moon have its own satellites visible from the planet it orbits?

8 votes

How would life on the satellite of a Super-Jupiter be? Is it even possible for such a satellite to be habitable?

7 votes

Habitable moon of a gas giant: working out the sizes and distances

5 votes

Could a 19th century space gun be of any use today in space exploration?

5 votes

Asteroid as a generation ship

4 votes

What kind of lunar orbit would cause a total solar eclipse to happen once a day?

3 votes

How many Mars sized planets can form and remain stable in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star?

3 votes

How can I make rapid recovery from prosthetic arm surgery more plausible?

3 votes

How might an economy in which multiple planets are involved function?

1 vote

Can a situation exist where there is one pole that is hot and another cold on a planet?

1 vote

Could a civilisation exist as 'space-nomads'?

1 vote

Could a Mars colony use asteroids as weapons against the earth?

0 votes

What direction is my asteroid coming from?