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Wasabi's user avatar
Wasabi's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
7 votes

How can I get a library to be seen as neutral territory?

6 votes

Why would a predatory creature capable of using telekinesis still hunt with tooth and claw?

5 votes

Reason why dimensional travelling would be restricted

5 votes

Can crime still exist if mages can see the past?

5 votes

Is it possible to make a concealable firearm that is undetectable to metal detectors?

4 votes

What would be a logical reason to explain space based families having more children than an earth based one

3 votes

How to enslave a species that can transport themselves anywhere on the planet instantaneously?

3 votes

Ensuring an endless war, and an endless stalemate

2 votes

How could humans reach distant stars and still stay as a united government if you can't use faster than light travel

1 vote

Why would guns not work in the dungeon?

1 vote

How can I make female battle mages a good investment for warfare?