I am trying to make a realistic shooter game. Every body part has a certain blood loss modifier. It's basically a modifier that lets me set how much more dangerous injuries to certain body parts are. So, I can make hands loose blood slower than the thighs, or the chest, when injured with the same amount of damage (like if both are shot by a 9mm bullet). Im not quite sure what these values should be though. There isn't really a real-life answer (as far as I'm aware) on this because in real life there are many different factors that affect how quickly someone loses blood. Therefore, I think I just need to understand the most dangerous places to be shot in and set these blood loss values accordingly.
With that being said, what would the order of most-dangerous to least-dangerous body parts to be injured be? I would assume the order would start with:
head (because brain)
upper torso (because, heart, lungs)
but from there I'm not sure and can't really find much. I know gunshots to the thigh are extremely dangerous because of the femoral artery, but is it more dangerous to be shot there than the lower torso? What about the arm? Will you lose blood faster if you're shot in the foot or in the hand? The body parts that lose blood in the game are:
Head, upper torso, mid torso, lower torso, hips, upper leg, lower leg, foot, upper arm, lower arm (forearm), hands.
I mostly just need to know how dangerous an injury on each body part is from most dangerous to least dangerous, based on the structures in each body part.