It'll die of natural selection
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for crazy creatures, but this is far, far too much. Eagles are slim and aerodynamic, turkeys are infamously round and bulky-like. Mashing their front and back halves together will ensure the weight of the creature, and therefore gravity's pull, will center in the back of the creature. That's why we don't see pear-shaped birds IRL; because their enlarged rear end is like dead weight, dragging down the poor creature.
The cat head, being bigger and heavier than a bird's, will offset this only slightly, and it's weird for a bird to have a feline head, so this doesn't help your creature either.
Your short legs, as The Square-Cube Law pointed out, are basically useless, but so are your feet. You see, having had dogs and cats in the house, I noticed the dog's claws were blunt, while the cat's were sharp. This is why cats have retractable claws; because constant wear and tear blunts claws, making them almost useless as weapons.
Finally, short legs and long claws? There is no way that could ever work in real life, or (IMHO) even in fiction. It's so obviously impractical no one will suspend disbelief.
I love the name, and the idea of an new kind of predatory fowl made with parts of other animals, but your current iteration is unviable and should be replaced with something else. If I may, I'd suggest researching what makes eagles and big cats such good predators, and then put those together in a way that complements them.