Is it possible for a dry planet similar to Earth* to be inhabited by an indigenous intelligent humanoid species that is restricted to a small area of the planet – perhaps 1000 miles x 1000 miles near a small sea with a benign “local” climate and be entirely isolated from other areas of the planet by deserts?
Assume that plate tectonics still continues as per this question**. Assume the species has a pre industrial state of technology.
*The planet has a strong magnetic field, rotates on its axis every 24 hours, has a hot core and is volcanically active. The planet orbits a Sun like our Sun at roughly the same distance and the planet also has a large Moon similar to our Moon. But it has much less surface water in seas, rivers and icecaps (2-10% of Earths).
**How much surface water do I need for plate-tectonics on a planet?
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