The Xy:
There is a sentient alien species called the Xy, which primarily relies on its sense of touch, smell, and hearing to make its way around the world.
Due to evolving in dark places, the Xy have no eyes, and thus no senses capable of capturing the visible spectrum. The Xy instead use hearing as their primary senses to spatially navigate, paired with echolocation for spatial awareness and details sensing.
The Xy are bipedal, and possess two limbs with fingers. These fingers have a very sensitive sense of touch, with their fingers being able to detect very fine grooves.
Their sense of smell is average, slightly better than humans.
They are also able to distinguish different materials by their sounds, smells, and touch.
Through these abilities, the Xy were able to develop a technological society similar to our own, although most of their long range sensory capabilities depend upon sensors, echolocation, and sound.
The Xy possess ‘smartphone’ analogs which rely on 3D Shape Displays, more advanced versions of what we have prototyped. They can get a ‘look’ of the screens with echolocation, but mostly use touch.
The Xy have developed microphone and speaker technology, and take 'pictures' by making use of 'echos'.
Social Behaviours
To help clarify some things about the Xy, the Xy find the qualities of the voice to be the most attractive feature in another Xy. They will use singing to court their potential mates, and it is also their main form of entertainment.
Their act of alien kissing is essentially to hold hands, and their phrase for falling in love is 'love at first listen'.
They are capable of recognizing each other through voice, and through echolocation.
The Question:
My question is, given these details, what form of social media would the Xy have developed.
How would they recognize each other in social media (sound, echolocation maps, handshakes maps, etc.).
What form of media would their 'posts' be in? Audio-recordings, or echolocation-pictures mapped onto the screen-pins?
Also, how would they communicate/chat privately in public, assuming they are capable of using echolocation to ‘screen peek’, purposefully or not. They could use sounds to shield the screen, or use touch-only when chatting, but what mechanisms would they employ to do so? Examples include using noise to block off screen-peeping, or the use of special handshakes/touch rituals to communicate.
There would probably also be established social-norms based on their sense of touch and hearing, eg. sensing someone else’s screen is socially impolite, but this may be a completely separate question once the mechanism is first clarified.