I'm still working on world map of this pear-shaped planet for my alien race, so I think land-to-water ratio would be something 40/60% or 30/70% (I don't know which one makes creatures much bigger), and some axial tilt that smaller side of planet doesn't get shadowed by larger side of this planet, which this planet spins vertically.
Here's that planet on previous question for recap
So I was thinking would this planet have one giant Pangaea or some several continents with some tons of archipelagos, if they live modern or futuristic civilization when they can have spaceships and travel on some other planets and space stations. Plus some that "belt of mountains" could have some gap that they can pass trough with boat...
And I want this planet have multiple biomes and not too catastrophic climates. Like farming rich biomes and forests with giant trees and animals (I mean megafauna and megaflora), and some deserts and snowy mountains too.