I know living on Venus would be virtually impossible for us now. But I'm trying to picture what life would be like on the surface of such a world, and how advanced in technology a species would have to be in order to achieve it.
Whatever species is on Venus obviously didn't originate there, so this Venus like planet would be a colony of sorts. I am placing no limits at this point on how advanced this species could be, but they are either humans or humanoids.
If I wanted to build a base on the surface of a planet like Venus, with its thick, crushingly heavy corrosive atmosphere, intense heat and rivers of lava, what kind of technologies would I need?
I'm thinking the Venusian Base would be something like a large pressurized container with its own internal environment, that was strong enough to withstand the atmosphere. But I wonder if this is enough? How would people get in and out of the base? Would mining activities be possible from within the base?