Following the development of faster-than-light technology, humanity has spread across the stars and encountered many kinds of alien life. While the galaxy is mostly peaceful, occasional wars do break out, and piracy is an issue.
The Tech:
All groups use an FTL drive based on the same basic principle: the drive creates a wormhole at the front of the ship and pulls it over to the rear of the ship, depositing it at the target location, with it seeming to an outside observer that the ship had simply disappeared from one place and reappeared in the next. In addition:
- The computer power (and therefore time) necessary to calculate a jump increases with range, up to a rough maximum of ~ 30 light-years
- Gravity wells also render the calculations more complicated, meaning that it takes progressively more power to jump the closer a ship is to a planet or other large body
- There is no warning ahead of time at the endpoint that a ship is about to jump in- it's just there
- Any material present at the endpoint is displaced to the origin point, preventing two objects occupying the same space
I am an Admiral tasked with defending Earth from possible attack. While most avenues are covered, what really worries me is the possibility of a force sneak attacking by jumping in right behind my defenses, firing a few salvoes, and then jumping away before my forces can respond. Is there any way in which I can avoid or minimize the threat of this possibility?