The concept of concealed carry of weapons has been with us since ancient (prehistoric, even?) times, and is a common trope in medieval-fantasy universes as well. Characters in various stories have used a wide variety of means of concealment, and there are several common tropes surrounding placement of concealed small blades; however, it is not touched on how effective these tropes actually would be.
So, what are the pros and cons of the various places on one’s body one could conceal a dagger of modest size (blade of 10–15 cm minimum, total length 30 cm max)?
Assume this is a mid-to-late medieval fantasy setting — thin blades are forgeable, but gunpowder is but an alchemical curiosity as elemental sulfur and/or saltpetre/nitre aren’t available in the quantities needed to make it useful. Also, the wearer is only needing to evade casual searches, not a determined “find-the-hidden-dagger” effort.
Last but not least — you can consider three different concealed-carry applications:
- The thug, trying to sneak a weapon past casual inspection for a quick draw in the heat of the moment
- The merchant, who wants something unobtrusive but available to deal with the occasional bandit
- The lady, who hates how open carry spoils her looks but has to have something on her for safety’s sake