In a world where every human being can fight using their minds, every person effectively has a ranged weapon on them at all times.
Societal change in my setting has brought about a major decrease in street crimes and an overhaul of the world's prison systems, but law enforcement would still need to detain dangerous people. You obviously can't just cuff someone, nor can you just throw them in a normal cell where they could attack other prisoners or even the guards.
How would prison infrastructure and detainment procedure need to change in order to prevent prisoners from posing a constant threat?
More info about mental combat:
- This ability is technological and probably should use electromagnetic waves, but in this setting there is no known way to block the signal that initiates combat.
- The attacks have a range of no more than a few kilometers.
- Attacks can be initiated on only one person at a time, and the attacker must be aware of the person, in the sense that they must be sure the target is in a general area.
- Attacks can be made against someone you can't see if you can visualize where they are. You do not have to know who this person is or what they look like.
- There is no penalty for being wrong about where a person is. As noted above though, the attacker must be convinced that someone is there. No random guesses.
- Attacks are not detectable by other parties. You will only know when one of the two combatants tells you afterwards or passes out.
- Attacks are traceable using a unique identifier. It is trivial to compare a suspect's id to the id found in a log file.
- Mental combat happens at a greatly increased timescale. Combat is usually over within a second, though it seems much longer to those involved. Being the initiator does not convey significant benefits.
- Your mental state influences your skill in combat. If you are drugged or otherwise incapacitated, you might still be able to initiate combat, but you probably won't win.