The simplest effective method for maintaining large flying vessels is needed
My society is a pirate haven which has low technology and resources. They have jury-rigged some system to keep the fleet flying, with personal safety being pretty much an afterthought.
The challenges I came across in the story arise from ships suffering small gun combat damage and needing to get patched up. The alien environment is very challenging so doing repairs outside might need resources out of their reach, but getting large ships out of the hostile atmosphere and into a maintenance hangar has its own challenges. Keeping the outside air outside as much as possible would be best.
- Consider a ship of $200 \times 30 \times 40$ meters long/wide/high.
- For a hangar, pressure is equalized inside and out; temperatures are not at all equalized ($\Delta \text{T}=380$°C)
- No computer technology
- No fictional technology beyond of what is stated here.
- Advanced thermal insulating materials have been developed (a very simple aerogel equivalent)
- Pumping air into a hangar is an option but they certainly would work nonstop on a solution which avoids the very long time that would take
- They have suits to work outside but again, this would be ridiculously cumbersome and undesirable. Poor outcomes are likely, they would work diligently on an alternative.