I have been thinking a lot about creating an Alternate Reality that would essentially allow you to experience similar or as close as possible sensations as if in real life, and I really need some help on the topic and if it would even be possible that is. Basically I have been thinking about SAO (Sword Art Online) and if it would actually be possible IRL
If we were to connect to our CNS (Central Nervous System) and intercept signals they could hypothetically be transmitted some place else right? like through an advanced program that would preform them in real time in an alternate reality, like in SAO.
Another thing is that is it possible to emulate sound, taste, smell, touch, and sight signals to the brain? as if we were really experiencing them IRL. These signals would be given off by nerve gear that would be attached to your CNS.
If this is possible you could hypothetically train neuron paths within the brain and essentially acquire skills without even moving. Because skills are just trained neuron paths right?
With technology advancements progressing as fast as they are surely this is somewhat possible in the future, I know it wouldn't be easy but it would be extremely beneficial so I think it would be worth it in my opinion. Just think of it, instead of sleeping you could be resting and in an alternate reality be awake and essentially training neuron paths as in real life and experiencing real senses; you could acquire any skill you want or just play in a MMORPG like SAO enjoy life to the fullest. They say a third of your life is spent sleeping, that sounds like a waste to me.
With Elon Musk developing that brain chip he is basically doing something similar to this. The experiment he did with that ape, the chip was reading the neurons fired by the apes brain and so he was able to play a game on a screen without even moving.
Please I really need your help as I am still very young but please I can't stop thinking about this, if it is in anyway possible I will make it my life's purpose/goal to achieve this and make it a reality for the world, with help of course :)