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Brinstar77's user avatar
Brinstar77's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • US
5 votes

Can a brain in a jar be killed or have a reduced lifespan from psychological trauma alone?

5 votes

How can I force humanity to retreat to the ocean floor

4 votes

What conditions would have to exist for a planet to be covered in day most of the year and experience nightfall only a few times?

3 votes

How can we prevent the Earth being scorched and swallowed as the Sun grows and eventually enters its red giant phase?

3 votes

why would a post apocalyptic exploration team want a Teenager in their group?

3 votes

How much energy it would be required to propel a projectile with sound? Would it be lethal to its user?

2 votes

What infrastructure would be needed to "farm" merfolk scales?

2 votes

What kind of technology would a dragon-like species have during the golden age of piracy?

2 votes

Dragonslayers: Accounting For Draconic Culture

1 vote

How would a house security/protection work in a society full of shapeshifters?

1 vote

Are 4 magic systems too much when it comes to a modern type of world with a lot of moving parts?

1 vote

Are jumping ships feasible? (Not jump drives, but ships that jump)

1 vote

How can a country devote centuries of resources to building giant mechas without being stopped?

1 vote

What would happen if 250 nuclear weapons were detonated within Owens Valley in California?

1 vote

Role of Lamia in Medieval Fantasy Society

1 vote

What could be the right powersource for 15 seconds lifespan disposable giant chainsaw?

1 vote

How to induce artificial gangrene?

0 votes

Plausible reason why the government would not discipline its policemen?

0 votes

How could the Tayan keep its victims from moving?

0 votes

How can my creature keep sand out of its mouth?

0 votes

How can my Tayan creature excrete waste, whilst buried underground?

0 votes

How should implanted technology be handled in prison?

0 votes

How might dragon remains be turned into a jewel?

0 votes

Would an anti-gravity organ allow kaiju to avoid cube-square problems?

0 votes

How would aliens abduct an entire nation of millions from a planet?

0 votes

What would be the best approach to raise newborn humans in a generation ship without computers or previous humans?

0 votes

How could a goverment sell prisoners as slaves (without giving advantage to richs)?

0 votes

What would the psychological effects be on a child who grew up knowing they could never really get hurt?

0 votes

How would sleep work on a tidally locked planet?

0 votes

Chameleon harpoon tongue - plausable or not?