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No Name
  • Member for 7 years, 3 months
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17 votes

Could a singular planet have more than one diverse atmosphere?

17 votes

How to appease the Goddess of Traffic Lights

9 votes

How would a society be structured so everyone can die in combat?

5 votes

How could I justify switching phone numbers from decimal to hexadecimal?

5 votes

Third Pillar of Authority

5 votes

Hoofed carnivores?

5 votes

Why would an intelligent species with male drones allow them on nuptial flights?

4 votes

I need a disease

4 votes

Explaining why dragons leave eggs for their slayers

3 votes

Gaining The Engorgement Enchantment For Peasants

3 votes

Landing humans on Venus - MacGuffinite

3 votes

What protection would autotrophic zoophytes construct?

3 votes

Why might a civilisation of robots invent organic organisms like humans or cows?

3 votes

Establishing Chirality For a 4D Person?

2 votes

What could lead to an ability to “share instincts” to evolve?

2 votes

How would life, that thrives on the magic of trees, survive in an area with limited trees?

1 vote

How to move a large amount of energy being generated as electricity in a situation where a powerline isn't a usable option?

1 vote

How could a black desert form?

0 votes

What should architecture of an Imperial capital be like in order to accommodate differing people of differing sizes?

0 votes

How can an artificial soul be made more Palatable for angelic possession?

0 votes

How would organisms adapt to survive darkness beasts? [expansion to my old question]

0 votes

Are brain augmentations capable of interfering with orgasm?