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Drew Christensen's user avatar
Drew Christensen
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
How to Generate World Map for Minimal Distortion?
Marked as answer. I wanted an answer about a specific tile-able technique that works well reliably. This fits perfectly. Thanks for your answer.
How to Generate World Map for Minimal Distortion?
@AlexP I understand that map projections are useful, but for my purposes, a map projection would be inefficient and difficult to program. My question was if there was some kind of tessellation on a sphere (like with the pattern on a Soccer Ball) that could easily be converted back and forth from flat to round.
Language Creation and Development as a Result of Unification
I am very confused on why you explained the English tenses to me, but I was just stating that if I were to create said constructed language that it wouldn't have much more than the past, present, future, interrogative, etc. It wouldn't have anything like the preterite, imperfect, etc. as can be seen in Spanish.
Language Creation and Development as a Result of Unification
You are stating that it is harder to speak your native language than a language that you have learned along the way, if I'm reading this correctly. I honestly have no idea where that is coming from.
Would the size of someone determine how warm or cold they are?
Split up sentences into smaller sentences which make more sense
Would the size of someone determine how warm or cold they are?
Corrected some sentence structure issues
Language Creation and Development as a Result of Unification
@MolbOrg If you have an answer, post it as an answer rather than a comment, please, as comments can not be voted as the answer. Note: in question 2, there already exist groups greater than 1000 that share an original language. It doesn't take much to speak a language that you already know, especially when you're a native speaker. As to question 3, the initial population was stated as 10,000. This is nowhere near to 300,000,000.
Would the size of someone determine how warm or cold they are?
Corrected some sentence structure issues
Could an underground nuclear test create a volcano?
Added articles and corrected some sentence structure issues.