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user3067860's user avatar
user3067860's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
20 votes

How many Santas are required?

19 votes

The Witch's Broom

11 votes

Best Way to Style Ridiculously Long Hair (for magic purposes)

8 votes

What are good heat-resistant materials for writing a self-immolating spellbook?

7 votes

What methods might an ancient civilization use to desalinate sea water?

6 votes

How can an average person prepare themselves to verify their future time-traveler self's identity?

5 votes

What modern technology would be most revolutionary to ancient Greeks?

5 votes

Mosquito Armageddon

4 votes

Can one rig a revolver to guarantee that the only bullet in Russian Roulette is in the last chamber?

3 votes

Prolonging a siege indefinitely by tunneling

3 votes

Realistic way to damage bullet proof glass using common substances

3 votes

What would a bear species isolated on an island look like?

3 votes

Enforcing a speed limit in medieval times

3 votes

How does a species who cannot distinguish left from right build their cities?

3 votes

How would sailing be affected if seas had actually dangerous large animals?

3 votes

Why enchanted weapons are seldom recycled?

2 votes

Under what conditions would humanoids evolve eyes in the backs of their heads?

2 votes

What are the consequences of wishing for 'all' the gold?

2 votes

Aside from scouting & message delivery, what roles would sapient parrots fill in an Early Modern military?

2 votes

I want to build a weapon targeting Interstellar distances. How viable are railguns?

2 votes

How would giant mermaids wage raids/warfare against ships?

2 votes

How do you motivate people to post flyers around town?

2 votes

How do I divide a year into months?

1 vote

End effect of precognition in a physical fight

1 vote

Why do pantropy (genetically modified humans) and terraforming both exist?

1 vote

How can I give Henry Ford's customers what they want: a faster horse?

1 vote

How dangerous are animals with no history of human contact?

1 vote

Why would a regiment of soldiers be armed with giant warhammers instead of more conventional medieval weapons?

1 vote

Any examples of headwear for races with animal ears?

1 vote

Are dead worlds a good galactic barrier?