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TrEs-2b's user avatar
TrEs-2b's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Alberta, Canada
5 votes

Why would a species fear its own children?

5 votes

How long can New York City survive under a Dome?

5 votes

The Titanic Ozarks

4 votes

How would a realistic universal translator work?

4 votes

A second 30 years war

4 votes

How does one approach phonology notation for a non-human constructed language?

4 votes

Is it possible for an herbivore to evolve into a carnivore

4 votes

Could dragons theoretically breathe alcohol based fire?

4 votes

How would a culture develop if it had to cover its hands at all time

4 votes

Could humans dig out a 20km tunnel through quartzite by hand?

4 votes

How might the pterosaurs survive an end-cretaceous-like event?

4 votes

What is the extent of Featural Writing?

4 votes

The Next Dinosaur Titans

4 votes

Suggested steps for creating a new race?

4 votes

Conquering a Metropolis with near-zero own casualties

4 votes

Can we expect machines as extraterrestrial forms of life?

3 votes

Golden/Silver Age Superhero Societal Acceptance Reality Check

3 votes

How to evolve human/animal hands

3 votes

How long after death is blood fit for consumption?

3 votes

What factors determine how tall the buildings in a city will be?

3 votes

The Angel--Let's Get Real, Shall We?

3 votes

Why would a species evolve to consume rock?

3 votes

Is it possible to carve caves in a dormant/extinct volcano?

3 votes

What would take the place of arm wrestling in a handless humanoid species?

3 votes

Could you pick up a loaded gun five centuries from now and fire it?

3 votes

How can I move a planet?

3 votes

The Alps, Great Lakes Earth

3 votes

metal clothes: can we make them with modern tech?

3 votes

How do I choose the right name to suggest English nobility or royalty?

3 votes

Is it possible for plasma based robot to exist?