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jaboja's user avatar
jaboja's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
11 votes

Why would a species of intelligent parthenogenetics invent males?

6 votes

How does Santa avoid Heart Attacks from bad cholesterol?

6 votes

How can an anarchic state survive?

6 votes

What would cause a modern society to discount a real-world, happening-in-plain-sight conspiracy?

6 votes

Which are the requirements for a medieval warship to travel the high seas?

3 votes

What could cause a culture to change their writing style?

3 votes

How would it make sense that spellbooks or grimoires teach only one spell?

3 votes

Would 'cheap' FTL make powerful telescopes obsolete?

3 votes

What gender specific terminology should one use when talking about fantasy species?

2 votes

Shared language between humans and wolves - Alternatives to scent

2 votes

Could the law be implemented as a computer program?

2 votes

How would computer monitors work if we could sense the frequency of light?

2 votes

How could a Renaissance level feudal society get into space?

1 vote

The perception of time in a tidally-locked planet

1 vote

The Ancestry of Fantasy

0 votes

Would a society which possesses knowledge of all aspects of science from the time of early culture likely still form religions?

0 votes

Storage of a material that passes through non-living matter