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Questions tagged [conspiracy]

For questions about plans to do something unlawful or controversial, most often in secrecy.

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14 votes
9 answers

How do you hide an investigation of alien ruins on the moon during Apollo 11?

Picture this: it is the 1960s and the NASA is getting ready to take its moonshot. But in addition to all the other reasons for the going to the moon, the U.S. government has conclusive evidence that ...
ProjectOerlikon 's user avatar
8 votes
10 answers

Most efficient way to covertly obtain antimatter for a weapon

Context Suppose that, sometime in the future, terrorists and conspicuously-evil nations and politicians are tired of using regular old nuclear bombs to destroy their rivals' cities - cities on the ...
controlgroup's user avatar
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10 votes
14 answers

How would the government cover up a nuclear war? [closed]

Suppose that during the height of the Cold War, nuclear war unknowingly breaks out. Seemingly "on accident", by the actions of a certain group of individuals, the nuclear missiles get ...
Galaxy's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

What would be done if a machine went haywire and all the scientists died? [closed]

Not sure how to word the title. In my story a piece of secret US technology was being tested in the congo, but it ended up exploding and causing a temporal anomaly that send anyone within its radius ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Geopolitical ramifications of a faked Apollo 11 Moon landing being exposed?

Imagine it's an alternate July 20th, 1969. The American people and anybody with a television set watch as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin step out of the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle and become the first ...
Nathan Hopp's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't my memory-manipulating illuminati routinely sweep new species for immunity to their mind control? [closed]

My story is set in the late 90s, in an alternate reality where elves, dwarves, vampires, werewolves and the like all secretly live amongst the human race. Initially the masquerade trope is played ...
Cyrus Drake's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

What could prevent the leadership of a vast conspiracy from defecting, individually or in groups, other than fear or greed?

From the answers on my previous post, What reasons would motivate even low level personnel of vast secret organizations to keep the secret going, other than fear?, it seems that low level personnel ...
M. Y. Zuo's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What key positions in 1969 USA would aliens need to influence to control the US nuclear arsenal?

It is 1969, the conspiracy theorists are all correct and aliens are secretly trying to control everything. But the Reptoids are refugees very limited in number concerned about being exposed Other ...
DWKraus's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Could the President stop an alien President copy from nuking Washington DC?

My world is parallel to ours, except alien doppelgangers have infiltrated human society for generations to hide from their enemies in space. They have positioned themselves to stop their rivals from ...
DWKraus's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Mysterious Unexplained Appearance of Feature Films (live-action or animated) -- Who will notice? Who will care?

In the modern age, it doesn't take much (cheap commodity cameras, plus actors) to make a film, and quite a bit of animation can be done by a single shut-in with a computer. But to make something ...
ikrase's user avatar
  • 823
2 votes
2 answers

How can I convince the public that the evidence I have gathered is legitimate? [closed]

I have uncovered evidence of an international organization called the scp foundation that is supported and funded by various governments around the world. This organization investigates the paranormal ...
Incognito's user avatar
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30 votes
20 answers

How do rulers get rich from war?

For centuries, the rulers of the elven and human kingdoms have conspired to keep their peoples in a constant state of war with the sole purpose of making both of them extremely wealthy. Given, there ...
Chromanyx's user avatar
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76 votes
15 answers

How could we fake a moon landing now?

The moon landings actually happened, and there's plenty of contemporaneous evidence of it. But what if the United States government wanted to fake a moon landing now? We have the technology to ...
JesseTG's user avatar
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21 votes
11 answers

An Undercover Army

Suppose you want to invade Russia. But, beating it in a conventional or nuclear war isn't possible for your people for some reason. What if, instead, you line up 500,000 soldiers to move to Russia ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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5 votes
7 answers

Most effective Faraday-Cage hat design to avoid government spying

A tin foil hat is a hat made from one or more sheets of aluminium foil, or a piece of conventional headgear lined with foil, worn in the belief or hope that it shields the brain from threats such ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How to “freeze” the world for a day to faciliate the dispersal of presents by Santa Claus? [closed]

In my world, Santa Claus is the head of a large, super-secret organization that utilizes advanced technology and paramilitarily organized elves to distribute presents to billions of households on an ...
MedwedianPresident's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

One additional day of the year in order to faciliate present dispersal by Santa Claus [duplicate]

In my world, Santa Claus is the head of a large, super-secret organization that employs a large army of paramilitarily organized elves to disperse presents at Christmas, utilizing automated factories ...
MedwedianPresident's user avatar
-4 votes
4 answers

How can rogue governments be prevented from violating the Santa Secrecy Pact?

In my world, Santa Claus is not a squid who employs quantum tunneling, as implied by some questions here. He is neither a hyperdimensional being or superhuman. Instead, he is the head of a major ...
MedwedianPresident's user avatar
26 votes
15 answers

For how long can I hide the discovery of a new continent?

I've got a late middle-age like world, with a situation similar to Europe/America: one continent has a technological advance, and enough sailing skills to discover the other continent. The incentive ...
Kepotx's user avatar
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6 answers

Lying to prevent mass hysteria?

Say a huge asteroid came along, around the size of the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. It was unnoticed for quite a while, similar to the 2018 GE3. Then somebody saw it, and scientists calculated ...
Tori's user avatar
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25 votes
13 answers

How could the existence of an uninhabited island be kept secret from all governments until 2019?

NB: This is not a duplicate of another question. Despite this question being different and clearly stating and demonstrating how it is different below, it has been marked as a duplicate. If you agree,...
SealBoi's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What weaknesses could someone exploit to manipulate this "Approval plus RCV" electoral system?

Question I know that there must be ways that this system can be manipulated, but I'm having trouble figuring out what they are. I imagine that, since I created this system, I'm simply too close to it ...
Aporia's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

If there was another realm full of magical beings, how would they cover it up to the general population?

I'm writing a story in which witches from the "higher realm" visit the "lower realm" (Earth) with a consistent frequency. However, most of, us mortals do not know it. How can I accomplish such a cover ...
Ella Starbrook's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

What would cause a modern society to discount a real-world, happening-in-plain-sight conspiracy?

Where conspiracy is defined as: an agreement between persons who intend to gain some collective advantage while keeping their agreement secret from the public or from other people affected by it. ...
rodentry's user avatar
  • 371
5 votes
5 answers

How could the government trick the entire world into thinking there will be an eclipse when there isn't?

In my story, the government is looking to get as many individuals as possible outside. Is there a way to convince the population that there will be an eclipse or some other astronomical event without ...
kstuckey's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

How do scientists know whether a virus is man-made or not?

Question The alien want to make some new virus (or editing the gene of existing virus) to increase human death rate, and they don't want human to know the virus has been edited. I have read some ...
fairytale's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

What happens when the mega corp turns evil? [closed]

Famously, Google's founding motto was "Don't be evil." Imagine, if you will, a corporation called FooTec that, while like Google in interests, capabilities, and assets, has chosen a different path. ...
Trekkie's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Cold War Alien Invasion Cover-Up

At some point during the Cold War Earth experienced one or more failed alien invasions. Both the US and USSR had to face down this alien threat, and acted accordingly. Established facts about the war:...
Ranger's user avatar
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