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For questions that require plausible (better than suspension-of-disbelief) answers based on Real World science that are not necessarily constrained to the known limits of Real World science. Contrast with the hard-science, science-fiction and internal-consistency tags. This tag may not be used alone. This tag may not be used with the science-fiction, hard-science, or internal-consistency tags.

7 votes

What is the biggest possible size a boned sea creature could get?

I will honestly say that the limiting factor here is not a skeletal frame, but the size of the sea that they live in, that sea's ability to handle a huge output of feces, and the availability of food. …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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1 vote

Would it ever be possible for humans to adapt to Jupiter's gravity?

As others have said, Jupiter has no surface so you will never “land” on Jupiter or construct a building. But this is good news for you! This means that if you are living in Jupiter’s gravity, you are …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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1 vote

My mysterious "ruins" wander around and change on their own, what'd be a rational way for th...

Unstable time-shifted matter The buildings have not been built yet, however much later in history a civilization settles the area. They develop a quantum disruption weapon which is supposed to disrupt …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How long to bring a machine into a cooler climate without damage?

My world has a prospecting vehicle—a large robot, actually, that operates in 850°F volcanic regions. To bring it into a hangar for maintenance, I have decided that the material will be damaged by cool …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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1 vote

What properties would a sediment found in seawater in very trace amounts need to be useful i...

@Haydentech is correct in his real-world analogy: the Tritium-Deuterium fusion reactor would be the holy grail of fusion power. However, Avatar invented Unobtanium; Star Trek invented so many things w …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does a significant portion of the radio spectrum now have unworkable levels of noise?

Repeat the Carrington Event You will knock out everything you just mentioned. The down side is you will also do damage to any wired connections which are not shielded and hardened. Telegraph lines dre …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Identify the physiological health obstacles to humans residing in a 540 fathom deep sea colo...

Deep sea colonization has been dreamt of for nearly a century now but most approaches, such as the recent movie Underwater rely on maintaining the colony at 1ATM rather than circulating mixed gas at a …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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1 vote

Invading a universe made of absolutely nothing

It depends on your definition of empty space A couple answers touch on this pretty well but I think they don't exactly answer what happenes. The universe is Empty Space - in this case, space is not r …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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0 votes

Genetically engineered tendons that can store and quickly release a lot of kinetic energy?

Your tendons may not be the best spring material but whatever you use, a high water content will reduce the recoil velocity of the material. Perhaps you can consider using muscles instead. Hummingbird …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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3 votes
9 answers

What would be the most practical raw fuel for a hydrogen economy?

In a near-future world we have stopped directly fueling private, public, and mass transit and we have migrated to a hydrogen economy as the standard energy carrier. Consider the following factors: …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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3 votes

Flash-heating spaceships

Almost everything in your spaceship can be specifically designed to handle your temperature increase without any noticeable side effects. It’s just a matter of engineering it properly. Electronics can …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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2 votes

How would an active Alcubierre Drive effect the shape of an ship's explosion?

No effect at all You have defined an engine that is "a reactionless propulsion system" and then asked what the reaction of the propelled explosion particles will be. All the forces of general relativi …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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6 votes

Plausibility of a car running on noble gasses

It is possible but very impractical Xenon has over 100 compounds identified that it can form to release low energies. Xenon difluoride for example releases −108 kJ·mol−1 on formation. This is not a lo …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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1 vote

Could a humanoid survive in a communal circulatory system?

I will have to answer with what @elemtilas predicted: "Could a system like this be made" because you have said that it already happened through handwavium. I will begin with some conceptual issues wit …
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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2 votes

What is a reasonable timeframe to build a funeral pyre with a hundred corpses, with five apo...

I disagree that a day is reasonable unless your humans are mechanical automatons. If they are human, there are only five of them, then they have both physical and psychological obstacles to pulling th …
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