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For questions regarding the non-magical supernatural phenomena. Questions about magic should use the "magic" tag.

4 votes

Are ghosts made of virtual particles possible?

Only very small ghosts. Every phenomenon where the notion of virtual particles is mathematically useful is very small. The Casimir effect for example requires the two plates to be very close to each o …
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.3k
0 votes

Are ghosts made of virtual particles possible?

No Virtual particles are real. Ghosts are not real. Therefore we cannot use virtual particles to explain ghosts. But I thought virtual particles were. . . well, virtual. They are virtual in the sense …
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.3k
36 votes

Would a weaponized priesthood violate separation of church and state?

It does not prevent the state setting up its own 'Supernatural Response Units'. …
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.3k
7 votes

Would it be morally right to kill fiends by modern world standards?

They are not Teenagers. Proponents of executing Fiends will argue they are no longer teenagers. The difference between a child an an adult is mental plasticity. Children are still developing. If a chi …
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.3k
6 votes

Is it "Force Majeure" if I invited the god of storm and he kills people?

It's not one or the other. Force Majeur is a disaster that no one could have predicted or prevented. This does not apply here since the god of storm could have prevented the disaster by choosing not t …
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.3k
2 votes

Why can dieties see "Star Souls" but humans cannot?

Humans cannot see Souls. The fact you have called these things souls already answers your question. Humans cannot see any sort of soul directly. We can only observe the side effects of one being prese …
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.3k
8 votes

How can an expression of a god's power be used to authenticate the legitimacy of a sect with...

The Miracles are Unmistakable Every miracle is different. What they have in common is that every miracle is accompanied by a fortnight of tidal waves, earthquakes, strange stellar phenomena, virgin bi …
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.3k
7 votes

Why would a corporation secretly trigger kaiju attacks against humanity?

Practice Megacorp discovered an alien armada headed to Earth. Space is big, and the aliens will be here in 100 years. We are defenseless. Megacorp tried to warn the planet about the alien invasion. Bu …
Daron's user avatar
  • 66.3k