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Questions tagged [corporations]

This tag should be used for questions about big corporations in your own fictional world and should explain how the corporation is supposed to change this world.

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2 votes
2 answers

Why would lunar megacorps install a government in this scenario? [closed]

The year is 2170. Ish. Humans have colonised Mars, but the planet has yet to rival the economic might of other solar system worlds. As of yet, the main colonial power in the sol system is our own ...
user98816's user avatar
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6 answers

Why would a corporation secretly trigger kaiju attacks against humanity? [closed]

Some context In a parallel version of our Earth, some decades ago a big attack was launched from an unspecified point, where insect-like kaijus (some as "small" as cars and houses, others as ...
Kyra_W's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How plausible would a planet-sized theme park be? [closed]

In my scifi lore, there is a giant theme park built for larpers, cosplayers, and furries(not antromorphic animal species, but the people who dress up and like the style), their target audiences. The ...
Crafter's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How might dragons react to humans kidnapping and 'training' dragons [closed]

Basically, the dragons are European dragons, with fire breath, wings, and everything else. They are normally highly independent, but will cooperate when under duress. They do have a writing system but ...
Brinstar77's user avatar
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4 answers

How can witches compete with mega-corporations who benefit from economies of scale?

Mana is the life energy present in all humans. It also gives us the ability to use magical spells and rituals. However, only witches are able to access their Mana in order to use it directly. For ...
Incognito's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Republic in a story based on interlocking directorships (as corporations do) feasible for govts?

In my story, after ww3 or equivalent, most of the world joined a WTO that incorporated political governance as well as economic. Mirroring the corporate world's interlocking directorate was to ensure ...
리주민's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Could a coalition of powerful corporations protect itself from a hostile neighbour?

This is an alternative Earth-like world, which has just entered the rough equivalent of Cold War. The primary contenders are the large quasi-socialist country with a strong command economy, opposed by ...
Khangodr's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

How to provide proper documentation for a device that works as a magic lamp?

A very powerful corporation is interested in building a device that works similar to a magic lamp. You bring the lamp to a certain location, at a specific time of the year, chant specific mantras, ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How can clientele be convinced to accept planned obsolescence built into their biological forms?

The human soul can now be uploaded into alternate biological bodies. These bodies are grown in utero in artifical wombs from human cells and grown to full adult form within a few years. These grown ...
Incognito's user avatar
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24 votes
15 answers

What would prevent growing minions as cannon fodder from being a viable alternative to hiring henchmen?

I am a self-made entrepreneur who runs an e-commerce giant which has morphed into one of the most powerful and wealthy companies in the world. However, my business is actually a front for my secret ...
Incognito's user avatar
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5 votes
9 answers

How can mage guilds compete in an industry which allows others to resell their products?

Mage-smithing is a process in which forged weapons are imbued with magical attributes in order to create enchanted weapons. This process is long and hard, requiring numerous items and various rituals ...
Incognito's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How can a growing economy function with erratic seasonal changes?

It has been widely confirmed by experts that the alleged " season 8 " of GOT was in fact a mass delusion by the general public due to mass hallucinogenic drugs being dumped into the water ...
Incognito's user avatar
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2 answers

How can the effects of a language be linguistically locked?

The ancient Sumerians were the first great empire on earth, worshipping a great elder god called "Mickey". After the empire fell, worshippers of the god went underground and continued to thrive. In ...
Incognito's user avatar
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15 votes
11 answers

How could the Soylent Corporation remain in business after their horrible secret has been revealed?

I'm the CEO of the Soylent Corporation, and we have a problem. Some cop just revealed our secret: Our premiere food product Soylent Green: is made out of people! (sigh) We're going to lose ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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9 answers

How would an unethical corporation go about extracting resources from a nation unwilling to co-operate?

In the 22nd century, resource depletion is a serious problem, as most of whatever we had left has been stripped bare. A large multinational corporation, let's call them Deus X, is searching everywhere ...
Faz's user avatar
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15 answers

How can I prevent corporations from growing their own workforce?

Artificial wombs have become a luxury in society, allowing them to forgo the burden of carrying a child for nine months. Originally, this was an expensive process that currently only the wealthy and ...
Incognito's user avatar
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2 answers

How can an elder god's corporation remove suspicion from its plans while preserving its clandestine monopoly?

The elder god Mickeyruth seeks to enter our reality and dominate humankind. To accomplish this, he has used his loyal cult of followers to found a company called Disney. Throughout the decades, this ...
Incognito's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Could a welfare state co-exist with mega corporations?

The Hegemony is a welfare state dedicated in giving all citizens: housing, education, basic necessities (water, food, etc), and help with either finding employment or a job assigned by the Hegemony. ...
Celestial Dragon Emperor's user avatar
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0 answers

How would fierce competition affect the adoption of alternative energy sources? [closed]

This is a continuation of the question asked here: How long would it take for nuclear energy to become adopted in a world on the brink of collapse? So, with my current timeline, nuclear energy (and ...
Cuervo77's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How long would it take for nuclear energy to become adopted in a world on the brink of collapse?

For reference, I'm going with the accepted answer given here: How would technology adoption of Lithium Air battery work?. In my world, it makes sense that governments would be very interested in ...
Cuervo77's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

Would this scheme be profitable?

In the not so distant 2040s the world is heading towards a devastating energy crisis, climate change is slowly beginning to take its toll, and unemployment is on the rise globally. But one corporation ...
Celestial Dragon Emperor's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Creating a world run by corporations [closed]

Recently, CDPR Projekt Red released a trailer featuring a dystopian cyberpunk world more or less run by corporations. To give an example, the most powerful (and expensive) medical services group will ...
kkeey's user avatar
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3 answers

A Theocratic Megacorporation? [closed]

Imagine if a televangelist somehow managed to amass a devoted global following and used the funds from the offerings he gained from them to turn his cult into an N.G.O. superpower. How exactly would ...
VoydDixon's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How would corporations come to be more powerful than governments? [closed]

I am working on a short story set in a world where governments have been usurped and now has been replaced by mega corporations that span the Solar system. They have there own mini armies, colonies, ...
juma's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How could a modern company-state form? [closed]

In today's society, with most if not all of the surface land masses claimed by existing nations, and nations' authority being supported by virtue of recognition of other states, how would a company be ...
personjerry's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What would an industry do with a microbe on Titan? [closed]

The setting would be on Titan in the 2200s. Because the institute preventing intrusions on new worlds that have possible organisms has very little money, they scan Titan on the surface, they don't see ...
Pyrania's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

How to prevent Wikipedia's desire for donations in Bitcoins from enslaving the world

In honor of the 2 year 4 month aniversary of Tim B's infamous How would Facebook Sysadmins prevent the summoning of Cthulhu?... ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, December 17, 2019 The ...
JBH's user avatar
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98 votes
18 answers

Great Old Ones Limited, or Why does Cthulhu need a Company?

A world much like our own. A city like the one in which you live. A corporation whose doors you pass every day. Maybe you notice the subtle sans-serif fonted words adorning the entrance, maybe you ...
neophlegm's user avatar
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15 votes
10 answers

How could a corporation become a sovereign state in two or three hundred years?

Imagine a world two or three hundred years in the future, starting from now, in which some corporations (or groups of them) become independent states with sovereign territories. I’m aware this is very ...
user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

How bad would life have to be to resettle, even if safety is based on hearsay

In the world that I'm building, life on Earth has gotten pretty unbearable for some. My first thoughts are over-population, pollution, war, etc. A company/government comes along and tells you and your ...
curt1893's user avatar
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3 answers

Would it be plausible for Corporatist Federation to allow its members to go to war?

Let's say that somewhere in Wildspace, there is a Corporatocracy. This Corporatocracy is ruled by a what is essentially a parliament, with membership restricted to those Corporate-Nations above a set ...
Trismegistus's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Getting to Cyberpunk Corporate Nation-States

This should be easy, given how close we sometimes seem to already existing in some kind of cyberpunk dystopian vision of the near future, but I'm having a bit of trouble imagining exactly what the ...
Adam Wykes's user avatar
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